Darwin was a man of his times, influenced by the intellectual climate of Lamarck, Hutton, Adam Smith, and Malthus
Ancient records indicate the feasibility of Noah’s Ark. Read More
There are depictions of dragons found around the world. These dragons have been put on flags, carved into stone, or depicted on pottery from ancient times. Why? Read More
When many people think of what the preflood world looked like, they picture today’s world. But the preflood world—it was very different from today. Read More
Many people believe that archaeology’s disproved the Bible. But it hasn’t. The truth is there’ve been many finds that have confirmed the Bible’s history. Read More
There’s two different kinds of science: observational science and historical science. So what you mean by science matters! Read More
Is death a problem or an evolutionary solution to cull the “unfit”? Read More
Did God perhaps solidify the water either side of the path the Israelites walked through the Red Sea?
Is fire fine-tuned for our existence and use?
What’s the evidence for creation, in the debate with evolution? Here’s how to make sense of this vital origins question. Read More
The latest entry in the Patterns of Evidence series defends the history of Israel. Read More
People lived in areas affected by the Ice Age, and some even thrived there. That’s because God created humans to be very creative and able to adapt to many different situations.
Searching for a King seeks to answer whether archaeological evidence exists for Israel’s united kingdom by going to the holy land, interviewing experts, and exploring places the Bible mentions. Read More
Archaeological evidence from the British Museum. Read More
The discovery of a tablet with details of one of Nebuchadnezzar’s court officials
supports the historicity of the book of Jeremiah.
Does young-earth creation fly in the face of scientific evidence? Well, that’s what popular apologist William Lane Craig believes and teaches. Rad More
Creationists don’t deny real science; they founded most types of science. Read More
Did you miss Beyond Bones, our dinosaur conference held last week at the Creation Museum? If so, you can watch the live stream for free on YouTube! Read More
The Romans formulated concrete with self-healing properties meaning structures could last two millennia. What was thought of as shoddy mixing became the key to understanding its process.
Yet another find confirms exactly what we’d expect starting with God’s Word: a beautifully carved black stone seal believed to be about 2,700 years old. Read More
The biblical and scientific evidence concur to show that human-generated carbon dioxide will produce some warming, but there is no climate emergency that requires radical action.
Today’s Tigris and Euphrates don’t match the description of the rivers of Eden. So why do they have the same names? Read More
Creationists and evolutionists both study the same fossils, the same rocks, the same world but come to very different interpretations because of our worldviews. Read More
Like a TV courtroom drama, evolutionists present their case as though it’s open and shut. But we know something is missing. Read More
Scientists have long endeavored to comprehend the transformations that take place in trees and plants throughout the autumn season. While lacking complete knowledge, they possess sufficient understanding to explain the fundamental aspects of these spectacular displays. Interestingly, the colorful leaves are not only aesthetically pleasing, they also serve a crucial role in the trees’ survival.
Trees with seasonal foliage ar... More...
What if in Scripture, the answers we need for ethically navigating the biotechnological revolution have been available all along? Read More
“Evolutionary teaching was bad enough now they want to add DEI and support for queer scientists to it. The ungodly just keep getting crazier!” Admin A Cornell University scholar is studying how racist housing policies from decades ago in America has influenced the genetics of common American house ants today, a line of research recently touted at a major evolutionary biology conference. Sylvana Ross, a grad student at Cornell, presented her talk July 30 regarding her ongoing doctoral research examining in part how past racial segregation in housing, or redlining, has altered house ants’ genetics across urban and rural neighborhoods.