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Evolutionists claim that the Apollo 11 moon landing resulted in new insights about the evolutionary history of life on Earth. But the moon poses serious problems for evolutionary theory. Read More
What should we think about the conspiracy theorizing out there? How do we approach the world in knowledge and faith and discernment all at the same time? Our contention is that we can be faithful to the Bible and science without sacrificing either.
Our Explore programs are very popular and are just some of what we offer families throughout the year. We just held our first-ever Explore Biblical Archaeology program, and it was packed out! Read More
Children’s science books teach Darwinism dogmatically and, often, incorrectly. Read More
A stunning new movie is now showing in our 4D Special Effects Theater. Read More
Two 19th-century anti-Christian writers pushed the ‘conflict thesis’ between Christianity and science that has deceived many. A new book shows its many flaws.
One scientist shares that this new study “really highlights that what we think as a separate Neanderthal lineage really was more interconnected with our ancestors.” Read More
The Christian worldview began modern science. A straightforward understanding of Scripture advanced scientific methods still further. And belief in Adam’s Fall inspired scientists to try to reach his pre-Fall knowledge.
Einstein had pictures of three famous scientists on his study wall. Who were they, and why does it matter?
If the universe and everything in it really were designed by some entity, that entity would have to possess extremely advanced scientific knowledge.  In fact, that entity would need to have a far greater understanding of scientific principles than we do.  Despite all of the incredible technology that we have developed, a single human cell is far more complex that anything that we have ever created.  It is just within that past several decades that we have begun to understand the sheer complexity of life on this planet.   The Bible says that a God that loves us far more than we [More]

Inspired by God’s creation mandate in Genesis 1:28, humans across the centuries have sought ways to optimize processes, solve problems, and ultimately “subdue” the world for our benefit. The quest to observe and record the laws of nature has taught us many helpful concepts in a variety of fields, particularly in topics related to science and technology.

One example... More...

Why atheists’ attempts to provide a foundation for morals and reliable human minds are hopeless.
A useful compendium on science and faith from an ID perspective.
How do some more recent paleoanthropology finds fit into the biblical perspective?
This is just a hint of God’s amazing abilities and imagination that we can see in our everyday world—the colours, patterns, and camouflage are everywhere.
Dinosaurs have fascinated scientists from the time they were first discovered. But what were they dealing with?
The Bible is clear that humans were only permitted to eat meat after Noah’s Flood but is less clear on whether animals were eating each other before the Flood.
In the evolutionary worldview, humans lived for tens of thousands of years without doing much at all. That makes no sense. Read More
The Bible’s history does. Mankind was created just thousands of years ago! Read More
Where did language come from? Well, in the evolutionary worldview, languages evolved over time as mankind slowly learned to communicate. Read More
The past pillars of evolution are tottering.
Uncover the mystery of Noah's Ark and dinosaurs coexisting. The Bible's clues reveal a surprising connection between ancient creatures and the Ark's true size.
Was there an ‘age of dinosaurs’ long before people came on the scene? What does the Bible say about dinosaurs? What were the dragons of history? What do dinosaur fossils tell us? What happened to the dinosaurs?
Exploring the implications of a world shaped by the belief in chance and chaos, where virtual reality blurs the lines of existence. Are we ready to surrender reality to technology?
Ancient Mesopotamian artifacts show evidence of ancient knowledge of dinosaurs.
We have had decades to verify the many claims that dinosaurs are still alive today, but to date none of those have panned out.
Misrepresenting creationism on the Church Fathers and Genesis.