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The fantasy world of eugenics: then and now.
Modern science is catching up with what the Bible tells us about people living for hundreds of years.
Why the biblical worldview is the only answer to the problem of induction.
Skeptics claim that a wooden boat the size of Noah’s ark couldn’t have floated. But large wooden ships have been successfully used for centuries.
Why the biblical worldview is the only answer to the problem of induction.
Most of us have experienced a pet displaying what looks like “guilty” behavior for doing something they shouldn’t have. But is there any reality behind this cute display? Read More
What happened to the woolly mammoths? Were they hunted, did they die from illness, or die from climate change?
Was an earthquake the cause of the fall of those famous walls?
For those who believe the Bible’s history, it’s no surprise that our ancestors used their God-given intellects to accomplish great feats. Read More
Preliminary sea trials indicate the superiority of a bow-mounted fin for directional stability. How could this be interpreted in the context of Noah’s Ark or ancient shipbuilding? Read More
Many people claim that virtually all scientists agree that devastating changes to our climate are the result of man’s actions. But is this true? Read More
Evolutionary ‘magic’ is not science
Why Creationists Should Accept Special Relativity as Good Science. Read More
Evolution makes God simply the god-of-the-gaps. He’s just tacked on to a naturalistic process. Read More
I thought I’d share answers to 10 common misconceptions I hear about creation, what we teach as biblical creationists, or what Genesis teaches. Read More
Hundreds of thousands of ‘true believers’ celebrate the famous ‘Roswell aliens incident’ every year. But what really happened?
Alarmists like to say that the science is settled, some studies suggest that climate change is actually caused naturally by things such as sunspot cycles. Read More
This is certainly an eye-catching headline, “Archaic Humans Might Actually Be The Same Species as Us, Study Suggests. Read More
What does the creation/evolution debate have in common with supposed manmade climate change? Well, both are determined by your starting point! Read More
Water has some fascinating features that suggest it has been designed ‘just right’ for life.

Snowflakes are among the most exquisite forms that nature has to offer, and no two flakes are alike. Several evolutionists have attempted to use the order of crystal formation, a result of atomic structures based solely on natural laws, as evidence for the purely natural development of order out of disorder in the evolution of life forms by arguing that to some extent the two processes are comparable. However, a more thorough examination of... More...

Do creationists and flat-earthers have “common ground”? Read More
Evolution teaches that human society slowly evolved into more complex forms. But the evidence shows complexity arising across the globe all at once. Read More
Australia’s 200 million rabbits descend from 24 shipped in 1859. They provide insights about exponential growth, post-Flood animal dispersion and population bottlenecks.
As we come to the end of another year, how should we think about time?
Kids’ books, TV shows, and schools introduce evolution very early. Kids are curious and they need solid, biblical answers. So, when should parents address it? Read More
Many people have searched for Noah’s ark, especially on Mt Ararat, with little success. Could Mt Ararat be the wrong place to search?