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The pre-Flood world thousands of years ago was unlike the world of today.1 Unfamiliar animals and plants were common, and there were a lot of them.

Pre-Flood plants were buried in Flood sediments and fossilized. Petrified trees are found in certain layers of Flood-deposited sedimentary rocks worldwide.2 Paleontologists often find fossilized leaves, twigs, or fern impressions, and it’s not uncommon to f... More...

Finding organic compounds such as flexible dinosaur collagen and complete bone cells1,2 is becoming common, much to the shock and consternation of the evolutionary community. We can now add to the growing list a recently discovered organic compound in fossil snail shell called polyene—a hydrocarbon with a number of carbon-carbon double bonds that undergo conjugation (linking together), resulting in some rare visual properti... More...

Neanderthals aren’t closer to the apes than us—they were humans, made in God’s image, and descended from Adam just as we are. Read More
Do you and I have a mind? Do we think or do we just think we think? We’ll think about this on today’s Creation Moments Minute. Mindless LogicIf you believe that we were created by God, your answer to those questions will be that we actually do think. But if you believe that life is just a chemical accident, you might agree with those evolutionists who actually believe that we do not think. Doesn’t it seem to be a contradiction, then, that some evolutionists have written entire books explaining that none of us really has a conscious mind? One wonders [More]
On today’s Creation Moments Minute, the amazing echolocation system of bats. If you are a bat, you listen for echoes from stationary objects around you, like trees, as well as moving objects, such as an insect that is about to become lunch. Because of the differences in the movements of these objects relative to your flight, Doppler shifting changes the pitch of returning echoes. That change could place a returning echo outside the range of frequencies you are actually able to hear. Scientists have discovered that the bat solves this problem by calculating the expected change in frequency due to [More]
I have a shocking revelation for you today—according to a new study, men and women are different from one another! Read More
These marine reptiles were some of the largest animals that ever lived

Insects of all types continue to amaze entomologists with their design and physiology. Cleveland Hickman, Jr., et al. stated, “insect ears are beautifully designed to detect the sound of a potential mate, a rival male, or a predator.”1 Agreed. The Master Designer has perfectly equipped insects with the ability to sense their predators through hearing or other methods so they know to escape.

This is certainl... More...

Spider silk is a silent witness to the incredible ingenuity of the Creator. For more creation resources visit https://creationmoments.com
Today we look at what God has done to help mankind control insect pests. For more creation resources visit https://creationmoments.com
Today we look at a creationist’s perspective of what really happened to the dinosaurs. For more creation resources visit https://creationmoments.com

Geneticist Alexander Kudryavtsev, the head of the Russian Academy of Science’s Vavilov Institute of General Genetics, has been fired, reportedly because he publicly affirmed that humans once lived 900 years.1 The Russian news agency RIA-Novosti did not give a reason for his firing, but the Russian Orthodox Church is claiming the firing of Kudryavtsev is a case of religious discrimination: that he was dismissed because he af... More...

Did you know all so-called apemen fit into one of three categories—either mistakes, apes, or humans? Today we’ll look at apes. Read More
Why does the diversity of the created world indicate that the theory of evolution is not true? For more creation resources visit https://creationmoments.com
Scientists tell us that sharks are so primitive, they should be thought of as living fossils. Today we take a closer look at these amazing denizens of the deep. For more creation resources visit https://creationmoments.com
Today we take a look at that amazing substance in your body called blood. For more creation resources visit https://creationmoments.com
Do dermatomes make little sense unless humans evolved from other vertebrates?
Evolutionists’ account for flight amount to little more than flights of fancy. For more creation resources visit https://creationmoments.com
Today we take a close look at the rattlesnake – a most remarkable wonder of God’s design. For more creation resources visit https://creationmoments.com
Our planet is an amazing creation placed in space where it can enjoy prime position in relation to our sun and where life and life support is guaranteed.
In 1934, using mathematical calculations, French entomologist August Magnan concluded that bee flight was aerodynamically impossible. The haphazard flapping of their wings simply should not enable bees to fly.   The mystery that has perplexed scientists ever since (due to inadequate understanding of aerodynamic theory) is now believed to have been clarified.   Using high-speed digital cameras and a giant robotic model of a bee wing, bioengineers at the California Institute of Technology and the University of Nevada at Las Vegas have been studying honeybee flight in an effort to determine how bees fly (Alt­shuler, et al., 2005).   They [More]
Don’t believe what evolutionists tell us about dinosaurs evolving into birds. For more creation resources visit https://creationmoments.com

Creation scientists maintain that if something is living, then it’s automatically complex. This applies to organisms ranging from a single bacterium (a prokaryote, such as E. coli) to a blue whale (a mammal composed of untold trillions of sophisticated eukaryotic cells).

Recently, a report was published regarding unique microfossils from Western Australia.1 It is significant to conventional scientists that... More...

What is a kind? Genesis says living things were created “according to its kind” but what is a kind? Read More
The survival of living species depends on its ability to pass on its genetic instructions, from generation to generation, without significant alteration. Read More
It turns out, the most complex structure in the Universe is located right inside your own head. For more creation resources visit https://creationmoments.com
Today we look at the God-given complexity in even the most “simplest” of His creatures. For more creation resources visit https://creationmoments.com