A new discovery about bird thighs and lungs seems to be the ‘nail in the coffin’
for the popular notion that they evolved from dinosaurs.
Is common ancestry plausible given the same genetic structures in such separate animals as humans and octopuses?
Scutisorex somereni the hero shrew has resisted all attempts at evolutionary explanations for its uniquely designed, armored spine, rather it demonstrates the variety God placed in original kinds
All cells come from previous cells. In order to produce a new cell, the Lord Jesus designed a process called the cell cycle. This is a highly ordered sequence of four events or phases within the cell nucleus, with one phase blending imperceptibly into the next. All of these stages or phases can be seen by looking under the microscope at a section of, for example, Allium (onion) cells.
The cell cycle includes a process most... More...
How should creationists think about “feathered dinosaurs”? Read More
According to a new study, in just 300 million years, earth managed to become hospitable to life and life managed to organize and emerge. Read More
This headline certainly made me look twice, “If dinosaurs hadn’t gone extinct, we may not have delicious grapes.” Read More
Many of Chesterton’s arguments against evolution are still used today by creationists.
A scientist shares his faith journey and how evolution played no role in his successful career in weed science.
Strong on design and evolution, but does it understand the nature of operational and historical science?
After the nuclear meltdown in Chernobyl the surrounding wildlife was greatly impacted, and some have used these adaptations as examples of evolution.
Dingoes, Australia’s native wild dogs, were the subject of a recent genetic study comparing “ancient” DNA with the modern genome of the species. Read More
The amazingly designed pump we call the heart has made evolutionary news recently.
Ffion White of Swansea University in Wales recently stated in an article on heart architecture that, “Despite humans and non-human great apes having a common ancestor, the former has evolved larger brains and the ability to walk or run upright on two feet to travel long distances, likely to hunt.”1 What was not said is that t... More...
Unborn babies can be startled by the same ‘oddball’ reactions as conscious adults. How many minds will this change on the evils of abortion?
It has become dogma that human and chimp DNA is ‘only’ 1% different, but this is very, very wrong.
This bird must cross thousands of km of open ocean in a single flight—no stop, because it can’t swim. Read how it makes it every year.
Discover the remarkable world of vision: from the perfect design of the human eye to unique eyes in nature, colour blindness insights, and the amazing ways science helps us see beyond limitations.
Can 'left-handed' amino acids needed for life arise by preferential generation using circularly polarized light?
Does common anatomy necessarily point to common ancestry?
According to new research, plants do possess a form of “intelligence”—but can we go as far as some researchers and say they are “conscious”? Read More
Physicists at Roskilde University in Denmark have shown that a single equation correctly describes the frequency of wing and fin strokes for a wide array of flying and swimming creatures, including birds, insects, bats, and whales.1,2 They used a technique called dimensional analysis to show that if one divides the square root of an animal’s mass by the surface area of the wing or fin, the result is equal to a constant mult... More...
Dinosaur eggs and tiny babies of the adult hadrosaur Maiasaura seemed to add to the narrative of ‘birds from dinosaurs’. Not so fast though …
A new study of purple algae that lives in the extreme environment of glaciers is “contradicting” the idea that evolution is considered a “march of progress.” Read More
Have you ever heard of the peppered moth? It’s a supposed example of evolution often used in biology classrooms. Read More
Lampreys are a group of strange-looking jawless fish of the order Petromyzontiformes. Since evolutionists reject the biblical origins model, they must embrace these creatures as our ancient ancestors.1 But looking to the fossil record, evolutionists see lampreys going back unchanged for many millions of years. In other words, living fossils argue against the hypothetical evolutionary timeline.
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The plant that sheltered Jonah, and the worm that destroyed the plant, might no longer be a mystery. After 2,500 years, scientists may have discovered their identity.
Natural selection is one of the icons of evolution with examples of natural selection, like Darwin’s finches, given as “proof” of evolution. Read More