Finding well-preserved creatures in amber1 is a landfall for creation scientists, much like the numerous discoveries of soft dinosaur tissue in fossils.2 Another find has been reported by the University of Copenhagen: a fungus gnat has been found entombed in amber.3 Has this in any way supported evolutionary theory? The closest the scientists could get to addressing real evolution of this fly was to sta... More...
Can evolutionists find a universal common ancestor for the three domains of life?
If evolution and millions of years are true, then surely the coelacanth or the Wollemi pine would’ve evolved—or gone extinct—over tens of millions of years. Read More
Some skeptics say a global flood didn’t happen because the fish could never have survived. After all, many fish can’t survive in just any environment. Read More
The idea that plant breeding supports evolution doesn’t stand up to scrutiny.
Scientists have discovered how Tokay geckos use their toes on different textured surfaces, showing how they can curl and uncurl their toes super-fast.
Did Noah have to bring two of every sea creature on the ark? No, sea creatures could survive in the water, but what about freshwater fish? Read More
‘Real’ spiders put the movie-marvel Spiderman to shame, weaving intricate webs with no hands and throwing a thread of silk to the wind that can transport the spider thousands of miles.
The first sentence in a recent evolutionary news story set the stage for the rest of the article: “Flowers like hibiscus use an invisible blueprint established very early in petal formation that dictates the size of their bullseyes—a crucial pre-pattern that can significantly impact their ability to attract pollinating bees [emphasis added].”1 Such a statement could easily have come from a creation... More...
In a February 1, 1871, letter to his best friend, botanist Joseph Dalton Hooker, Charles Darwin suggested a warm little pond was the site where primitive life first arose.1 But the place, time, and conditions of such a pond remain unknown.
Recently, another strange idea has surfaced in evolution’s fruitless search to explain how organic life randomly sprung from inorganic nonlife.
According to evolutio... More...
A correspondent asks for help defending the argument from reason against critics.
If our minds were undesigned, accidental byproducts of evolution, why would we trust them?
Ground-breaking research shows that evolution by mutations and natural selection just does not work.
Can sociobiology explain the origin and truth of morality?
As powerful evidence for a Designer's existence, look no further than inside your head.
Scientists just discovered something UNBELIEVABLE about trees… In this video, Calvin Smith shares how plant life actually resembles Ent creatures from The Lord of the Rings relatively closely.
The phylum Mollusca (molluscs) is an amazing1 and diverse assemblage of invertebrates. It includes squids, clams, tusk shells, octopuses, snails, and chitons.
What was the origin of this large and amazing group? According to evolutionism, “The first molluscs probably arose during Precambrian times because fossils attributed to Mollusca appear in geological strata as old as the early Cambrian period [emphas... More...
The genetic diversity for these ecotypes already existed in the snails’ DNA. Nothing new is being created; nothing is coming “from scratch.” Read More
The more we learn about life in the womb, the more the biblical truth is obvious. We are fearfully and wonderfully made right from the moment of fertilization. Read More
Medical researchers have launched one of the most ambitious mapping projects ever—the human cell atlas. Read More
What can population models tell us about the relation between genealogy, archaeology, and the Bible?
You won’t see penguins mingling with polar bears in the Arctic Circle, and 17 of the 18 modern penguin species do follow that rule. But one species defies the norm. Read More
A woolly mammoth population went through a bottleneck of about eight individuals, the same number as people on the Ark but mutational meltdown did not happen.
Genesis claims that people in the pre-Flood world routinely attained 900-year lifespans. The best-known example is Methuselah, who had the longest recorded lifespan of 969 years (Genesis 5:27). Skeptics dismiss these great ages as fanciful legends, but recent fossil data are providing unexpected, albeit indirect, corroboration of the Bible’s testimony. Science Advances reports tha... More...
Scientists studying a species in the Mojave Desert, known as side-blotched lizards, have learned that individual lizards can change coloring within a few weeks. Read More
A long-term study on the water flea, Daphnia pulex, contradicts thousands of papers on natural selection that ignored environmental variation.
We’ve seen this week that human evolution is impossible when we start with Genesis. So what about all the supposed apemen? Read More