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Insects, such as the winged insects in the order Lepidoptera, continue to reveal incredible abilities with some facets that zoologists thought were reserved only for vertebrates.

Recently, entomologists were investigating “a species of tropical butterfly [Heliconius] with unusually expanded brain structures [that] displays a fascinating mosaic pattern of neural expansion linked to a cognitive innovation.”1... More...

Today’s world is nothing like the preflood world. Geography was completely reshaped by the catastrophic processes of the flood. And that’s true of biology too! Read More
50 years after the discovery of Lucy (Astralopithecus afarensis) in Ethiopia in 1974, the theory of ‘human evolution’ remains on very shaky ground.
Attempts have been made to rehabilitate Haeckel’s embryos. Such attempts fail miserably.
Meet the Bigger-Headed Tiger Snakes of Hummocky Island, Australia. How did they get there, and is it evolution? Unraveling the Enigma within Biblical Perspectives."
This poor design claim is either exaggerated or incorrect. Read More
How does the ‘groups within groups’ structure of relationships between different species make it hard to tell where to draw the line between different created kinds?

There has been an incredible discovery concerning a bivalve mollusk called the heart cockle (Corculum cardissa). These bivalves have symbiotic partnerships with photosynthetic dinoflagellates called Symbiodinium corculorum. S. corculorum requires sunlight (UV radiation) for photosynthesis, and the heart cockles in turn can use the photosynthetic products the dinoflagellate produces. Such a relationship is called mutualism.

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The study that has overturned the idea of ‘junk DNA’ has also revealed yet more astonishing complexity. Read More
Sneak peek for the latest Creation magazine: When this jellyfish starts to grow old—it just makes itself young again. And again.
Evolutionists admit Lucy isn’t evidence of human evolution. Read More
Hawaiians call their state fish the humuhumunukunukuapua’a, or humuhumu for short, and snorkelers marvel at its wild paint job as it flits beneath basalt reefs. Scientifically named Rhinecanthus rectangulus, it is one of a variety of triggerfish that are named for a “trigger” used to lock the dorsal spine in an “up” position. Two aspects of the wonderful humuhumu reveal its Creator’s handiwork. Read More
Did God design wasps to lay their eggs in living hosts? Read More
What do genetics and morphology reveal about how many created kinds of bats there originally were?
Gunnison National Forest’s 1.67-millionplus acres showcase stunning views of the Colorado Rocky Mountains. The Continental Divide forms its eastern border, and other parks nestle against its many sides. Among myriad wonders are particular trees and rock exposures that point thoughtful visitors to two key biblical events. Quaking Aspens Many consider the quaking aspen of North America, Populus tremuloides, their favorite tree for its pillar-like, off-white trunks, leaves that flutter or “quake” in the slightest breeze, and fantastically golden fall foliage. Two clearly seen engineered aspects of aspen biology point to creation. Read More

Bacteria (prokaryotes) are ubiquitous. A fraction cause disease in people, animals, and plants, but the majority are the foundation for the global food web, the nitrogen cycle, soil formation, and are part of the critical microbiome (the collection of microorganisms living in or on people and animals).1

The innate or nonspecific immune system is our body’s first line of defense against disease-causing entities (p... More...

The octopus—an invertebrate—never fails to surprise researchers with its incredible abilities.1,2

The octopus was designed by the Lord Jesus with amazing powers of perception, understanding, and reasoning. It has been discovered that some octopuses (molluscs) actually work together with different species (e.g., fish) to hunt.3 When hungry, it can interact with fish and actually share complex deci... More...

If you just connect all the dots, isn’t it easy to see how the first humans could evolve from a shared ancestor with the apes? Read More
When many parents are told their child will be born with a disability, they’re urged to abort their child. And, tragically, many will do it. Read More

In 2006 a story broke that a Kurdish family in southern Turkey had a number of their members that walked on their palms. This caused excitement among some in the evolutionary community because they thought this was a throwback to our primate ancestors.1

Now the Turkish family is back in the news with evolutionists stating that their walking “on all fours have ‘undone the last three million years of evolutio... More...

Sickle-cell anemia does not prove evolution!
Parts of our brain are called reptilian, mammalian, etc. How do I answer someone who says this is evidence for evolution?
What's the evidence for creation, in the debate with evolution? Here's how to make sense of this vital origins question.
Placing Shem, Ham, and Japheth on the Y chromosome tree is difficult. Worse, there are many possible options, so we must not attempt to draw firm conclusions when many alternate hypotheses exist.
In the African nation of Mozambique, elephants are evolving, and they are turning into . . . elephants. Read More
New discoveries shed light on Neanderthal bulk, needed for bursts of speed. A new reconstruction of a Neanderthal boy’s skull shows his true humanity.

Who doesn’t enjoy the amazing color patterns of butterflies?1,2 Such beautiful designs and construction do not reflect blind naturalistic forces3 but the Creator’s hand.4,5

It has been known that “the genetic code contained within the cells of developing butterfly wings dictates the specific arrangement of the color on the wing’s scales -- the microscopic tiles that form wi... More...