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Is irreducible complexity still a problem for evolution? …read more Source: creation.com     
A recent amazing discovery in China’s southern Yunnan province gives significant support to the creation model. Half-inch long invertebrate fossils of a sea creature were discovered that allegedly died more than half a billion years ago. The wormlike animal called Cardiodictyon catenulum, was originally discovered in 1984. It is classified as an armored lobopodian (a group containing the Onychophora or walking worms) that once … More… …read more Source: icr.org     
With the secular evolutionary agenda gaining such momentum, it may be tempting to think ‘it’s Game over’. But look behind the showiness and bravado, and the claims are empty. …read more Source: creation.com     
By Tom Hennigan When winter arrives, this fox takes off his thin summer coat and puts on a luxurious new wardrobe just for the occasion. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
Evolutionary philosophy states the fossil record is a record of the gradual and slow evolution of life forms that all came from a single common ancestor impossibly long ago.1 Yet, the fossils don’t document this.2 It has long been known strange life forms appear abruptly and undergo either stasis3 (no change) or extinction. Living fossils are those living creaturesMore… …read more Source: icr.org     
Popular evolutionary writers often confess that organisms look perfectly designed, even admitting that a design perspective promotes our understanding, but they nevertheless preach design denial. …read more Source: creation.com     
By Ken Ham I recently saw a headline that caught my attention titled, “Crabs Aren’t The Only Thing Evolution Keeps Making. An Expert Explains.” Now what is such a statement supposed to mean? Well, the article is looking at the evolutionary question of the limits of biological evolution. Can it create “endless forms most beautiful” or are there limits? Well, my answer to this probably won’t surprise you (spoiler: evolution hasn’t created anything!)—but the answers from the experts quoted in that article might! Okay, so why crabs? Well, as the article explains, While there doesn’t seem to be a ceiling [More]
Do bats have a sixth sense? Turns out they can ‘see’ earth’s magnetic field with the cornea of their eyes. Small magnetite particles feature as a ‘compass needle’. …read more Source: creation.com     
By Ken Ham If I asked you to name five intelligent animals, you might not think to include the octopus on your list—but you should! This cephalopod is extremely smart, able to complete mazes and puzzles, and is well-known in the aquarium world as an escape artist. Interestingly, they don’t live long so this intelligence isn’t from learning—God just created their kind to be very smart. But do we share our smarts with them? Well, a recent article highlighting a new study on octopus smarts was titled, “We Share Smarts with Octopuses, and Now We Know Why.” This title suggests [More]
By Dr. Kaia Kloster Modern knowledge about the eye defies evolutionary explanation. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
There’s a lot more variation in animal populations than what evolutionists thought. Investigation by an international research team and the Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research (Leibniz-IZW) stated, How fast evolution happens depends crucially on the abundance of its “fuel”: how much genetic difference there is in the ability to survive and reproduce….[The research team has]… More… …read more Source: icr.org     
By Ken Ham Elephants, blue whales, ostriches—they’re the biggest of their kinds. But how do they “live so large”? Find out in the newest issue of Here are just a few of the topics you’ll explore in this newest issue of Answers: Animal domestication—does the evolutionary view or the biblical view fit the evidence? Suffering—how can we celebrate God’s goodness in dark times? Florida’s Everglades—one of the most diverse ecosystems on earth has a surprising geological history. Vital lessons we can learn from those with special needs. And more! Each of these articles—and the many others you’ll find in each [More]
By Ken Ham I’ve written multiple times on my blog about the dangers of puberty blockers and other hormone therapies or surgical “solutions” for those who believe they are transgender. Refusing to embrace God’s design of male or female (Genesis 1:27) has consequences, including horrible physical consequences for those who begin hormonal and surgical alterations to their bodies. And does The New York Times sort of agree with me, though just a little? In a very long article published recently, the column begins by telling the stories of three children (two 11-year-olds and a 13-year-old) who were prescribed puberty blockers. [More]
Evolution theory has been challenged yet again, this time in regard to a unique mammal fossil discovered in East Africa, “A team of 14 international researchers…published the comprehensive description and analysis of this opossum-sized mammal that lived among dinosaurs and massive crocodiles near the end of the Cretaceous period (145-66 million years ago) on Madagascar.”1 The animal is called Adalathe… More… …read more Source: icr.org     
Octopus reproduction raises questions about their pre-fall life cycle …read more Source: creation.com     
A recent SciTechDaily article begins by saying, “Embryonic and fossil evidence proves that the human middle ear evolved from the spiracle of fishes”1 That’s quite a statement considering “prove” means to show beyond any doubt. However, the original paper by Gai et al. in Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution was more reserved and cautious.2 Regardless, the discussion cente… More… …read more Source: icr.org     
The dog’s shoulder is a brilliant design, in spite of evolutionary teaching to the contrary. …read more Source: creation.com     
Some varieties of Anglerfish have a reproductive method that seems miserable and pathetic. How does this fit with the Bible? …read more Source: creation.com     
Are the mysterious ‘Denisovans’ descended from Adam and Eve? …read more Source: creation.com     
By Ken Ham Imagine this: it’s November 2018, and a scientist is carefully turning over rocks in rocky tidal pools full of cold ocean water along the Southern California coast. He’s looking for nudibranchs. But, rather than a colorful sea slug, he spots something very small and translucent stuck to a rock—it’s a bivalve (clam) he’s never seen before. Fast forward four years and this scientist has a claim to fame as the discoverer of a new species. But it’s actually more interesting than that! The species this researcher discovered wasn’t really a new species. It had been observed and [More]
Are babies’ minds a blank slate or is there more to it? The latest research shows baby’s brain is prepared within the womb for communication with the world and much more. …read more Source: creation.com     
By Ken Ham “All eyes, despite their wonderous variety across lifeforms, come from a history of shared genes.” This statement comes from an article published recently. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
One of the strangest animals God ever created …read more Source: creation.com     
Researchers working with fruit flies–the ubiquitous lab animal–have discovered the flies are able to undergo an amazing ocular process called microsaccades (involuntary microscopic jittering of their eyes). This means that as one constantly stares at an object, it won’t fade (in the same way the olfactory nerves in our nose may be overcome or ‘go blind’ after a time to a constant odor). This… More… …read more Source: icr.org     
Present problems for evolution. …read more Source: creation.com     
The evolution of mammals from non-mammals, like the evolution of all other animal groups, has been, and will always be, problematic. English paleontologist Michael Benton stated, “The origin of the Placentalia, the crown group including modern placental mammals and their ancestors, is a much-discussed question.”1 Placental mammals are a group called the Eutheria, which “probably arose during the Creta… More… …read more Source: icr.org     
Dedicated research shows that evolutionary ideas about the ‘people-like’ nature of apes and monkeys are largely fantasy. …read more Source: creation.com