By Ken Ham The rainbow is a symbol of God’s promise in Genesis 9:13 that he would never again send a worldwide (i.e., covering the entire globe) flood. It’s a message of his judgment on sin yet his mercy to save us from judgment. Sadly, a form of this symbol has been adopted by the LGBTQ community as a symbol for their rebellion and sinful lifestyle. Well, at Answers in Genesis we’ve been “taking back the rainbow” to remind people of its true meaning. The rainbow really can be a segue into the gospel message. The rainbow really can be
A recent survey provides encouraging data for Christians. …read more Source:
By Dr. Danny R. Faulkner Virtually every aspect of modern life rests, in some way, on Isaac Newton’s findings. So it’s no surprise that everyone, even biblical creationists, wants to claim him as their hero. But we need to be careful. Whose side is he really on? …read more Source: AIG Daily
By Creation Moments Scientists have long wondered how deep-diving creatures such as the whale and the dolphin can dive so deeply on one breath. It takes a great deal of energy for a seal, for example, to dive 1,200 feet deep and then return to the surface. Scientists computed that one breath should not be able to provide enough oxygen to burn the muscular fuel necessary for such dives. read more …read more Source: Creation Moments
By Ken Ham According to an opinion piece in National Post, students in Delaware public schools may soon be able to self-identify their own gender or “race.” The state is expected to adopt a resolution, approved by both the governor and Delaware State Education Association, that allows for this. This is just another example of how unhinged our culture has become as it refuses to acknowledge absolutes—except being absolutely sure the Bible is not to be the absolute authority! The article quotes Rachel Dolezal who made the news in 2015 for claiming she was “transracial” and identifies as “black” (though
‘America’s pastor’ died at the age of 99. What can Christians learn from his life and ministry? …read more Source:
Sneak peek of latest Creation magazine. Shellfish has tiny eyes structured like some advanced reflecting telescopes, but make two images. …read more Source:
By Sarah Chaffee Does Darwinism lend support more naturally to a capitalist moral-economic perspective or to a Marxist one? On this episode of ID the Future, David Klinghoffer explores the deep Darwinian roots of Communism, arguing that, while Marx had already begun sketching the outlines of his ideas before Darwin published the Origin of Species, he is fairly called a Darwinist, and the men who translated Marxism into practical political terms in the form of Soviet terror were evolutionary thinkers, just as they themselves claimed to be. Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find
By Ken Ham “Everyone did what was right in his own eyes” (Judges 21:25). This verse from the Old Testament may as well be describing Western culture today instead of ancient Israel. And nowhere is this more strikingly seen than in the anti-biblical sexual revolution sweeping the West. Of course, we know this is ultimately a spiritual battle (Ephesians 6:12) and that this revolution is part of Satan’s attack against God’s first institutions—marriage and the family. We’ve seen God’s boundaries for sex (for one man and one woman within marriage) ignored, we’ve seen the definition of marriage (one man for
By Sarah Chaffee Today on ID the Future we hear from the editors of the major new Crossway book, Theistic Evolution: A Scientific, Philosophical, and Theological Critique. Philosophers J.P. Moreland and Stephen Meyer examine contradictions right at the heart of theistic evolution, answer logical challenges directed back at intelligent design theory, and explain more than one severe issue with thinking science ever has or ever could thrive on its own, without strong support from both philosophy and theology. Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic Download Episode …read more Source:
By Dr. Alan Gillen Since bacteria can add information, could this process be used as evidence for evolution? The answer is no. Evolutionists may argue that this is acquiring information, but the acquisition of small DNA segments is still leading to disease. …read more Source: AIG Daily
The planaria, a type of flatworm, has an amazing capacity to regenerate a new body from just fragments of tissue. Its genome has just been sequenced. The surprising result is a completely unexpected evolutionary conundrum. Planarians (S. mediterranea) are a type of freshwater flatworm commonly found between about 3 to 15 mm in length.1 Their size can actually self-adjust within a 50-fold range depending on the… More… …read more Source:
By Dr. Georgia Purdom An article by Emma Frances Bloomfield, titled “Ark Encounter as Material Apocalyptic Rhetoric: Contemporary Creationist Strategies On Board Noah’s Ark,” discusses three “topoi” or themes that Ark Encounter presents to “construct a strong apocalyptic argument.” …read more Source: AIG Daily
The fact that some people in history believed the earth to be flat highlights the fallibility of man’s reasoning. Throughout history, scientists’ confident assertions have later been disproven. To misrepresent and discredit creationists by comparing their position to a belief in a flat earth is a straw-man fallacy. …read more Source: AIG Daily
By Sarah Chaffee On this episode of ID the Future, Sarah Chaffee discusses the University of Chicago’s action to uphold academic freedom, including a letter to incoming freshman and a piece by Pres. Robert Zimmer in the Wall Street Journal. As Zimmer notes, “Every attempt to legitimize silencing creates justification for others to restrain speech that they do not like in the future.” Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic Download Episode …read more Source: id the future
The petrified tree-trunks found in the beautiful national park at Yellowstone have been used for years to ‘prove’ that the Earth cannot be young as the Bible indicates. But the evidence shows otherwise. …read more Source:
By Creation Moments We have now got used to the idea that there are dinosaur fossils containing soft tissue. Our familiarity with such finds has begun to dull the edge of the surprising import of such finds. Whichever way you spin this, the presence of soft tissue is not consistent with evolutionary ages for the dinosaurs. read more …read more Source: Creation Moments
By Ken Ham Looking for an evening of action-packed family fun with a competitive edge? Join us from 6–8 p.m. at the Extreme Archery is similar to dodgeball, but instead of dodgeballs, it uses patented foam-tipped arrows shot from special bows. It’s virtually painless to get “hit” with an arrow, and I’ve been told you get a great workout while playing. It’s a really fun way to exercise! Anyone age 10 and up is welcome (children ages 10–16 must have adult supervision), and the cost is only $10 per person, which includes everything you need to play, …read more Source:
We have had decades to verify the many claims that dinosaurs are still alive today, but to date none of those have panned out. …read more Source:
Big Bang scientists are wrestling with “serious” contradictory estimates for the size of the Hubble constant—one of the most important numbers in cosmology.1,2 The Hubble constant, indicated by the symbol H0, is important because it’s thought to give the current expansion rate of the universe. It indicates the speed at which galaxies are apparently receding from one another. This apparent … More… …read more Source:
By Creation Moments read more …read more Source: Creation Moments
By Ken Ham In just a few weeks, I’m headed down to Nashville, Tennessee, to speak at Teach Them Diligently, a homeschool conference that takes place throughout the year in several major cities around the United States. The Nashville conference, March 8–10, 2018, will offer something for everyone in the family. I’ve spoken at these conferences many times before and have always received a great response from the hundreds of families in attendance. If you’re a homeschool family (or considering homeschooling—or just a family that wants some great biblical teaching), you’ll want to make plans to attend one of these
By Ken Ham We hear this tired refrain from atheists over and over again: creationists hate science, creationists ignore science, or even that creationists hide science from their kids! But nothing could be further from the truth. We love science! We employ several PhD scientists. We love observing what God has created. The difference is that we interpret what we see through the lens of Scripture while others interpret that exact same evidence through the lens of millions of years and naturalistic evolution. Our supporters love science too! This year we are offering Explore Day workshops for grades 4–12 at
By Ken Ham A recent article from Live Science proclaimed, “Oldest Fossil of ‘Missing Link’ Dinosaur Discovered in Germany.” Now, the actual find was not quite that sensational—no “missing link” involved. Actually, there wasn’t even a dinosaur involved! What they found was another fossilized Archaeopteryx specimen—a crow-sized bird with teeth and claws on its wings, as many now-extinct birds had (though penguins still have teeth and hoatzins have claws as juveniles). They found this fossil lower in the rocks than other specimens have been found. Because it’s found in supposedly lower rocks (based on the “index fossil,” in this case
By Creation Moments In another Creation Moment, I described the natural ability of a sportsman like David Beckham and how his work could be defined by math. When we consider great sportsmen, we consider the link between talent and what they have done with that talent. read more …read more Source: Creation Moments
Semmelweis correctly diagnosed the cause of childbed fever, only to be ridiculed by the establishment because he contradicted their opinion. Today the establishment reacts similarly to biblical creationists. …read more Source:
A recent article by a team of paleontologists, led by Hesham Sallam, of Mansoura University, Egypt, claims to have found the Holy Grail of dinosaurs in the middle of Egypt.1 The Genesis Flood model easily explains this unique discovery. The Genesis Flood model easily explains this unique discovery. More… …read more Source: