By Dr. Danny R. Faulkner Famed British astrophysicist Stephen Hawking died today. Interestingly, Albert Einstein was born on the same date in 1879. Furthermore, both men died shortly after their 76th birthdays. These facts wouldn’t be remarkable if their work and writings were not so intimately related. …read more Source: AIG Daily
By Sarah Chaffee On this episode of ID the Future, Dr. Jay Richards talks with John Lennox about his book God and Stephen Hawking: Whose Design Is It Anyway? In this book, Prof. Lennox counters Stephen Hawking’s argument in The Grand Design that “the universe can and will create itself from nothing.” Is philosophy dead, as Hawking claims? Is the so-called M-theory the “only viable candidate” for a complete ‘theory of everything’? Tune in and find out! Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic Download Episode …read more Source: id
By Ken Ham This October 9–11 we’re taking back the Bible’s clarity with our annual Answers for Pastors and Christian Leaders conference (which is actually open for anyone to attend). Our 2018 theme here at AiG has been “Taking Back the Bible’s Clarity” (based on 1 Corinthians 14:8) because we’re concerned about a philosophy we’re seeing grow in popularity within many seminaries and which is infiltrating the church. It’s this idea that the Bible’s basic message isn’t understandable without the help of professional scholars and academics, many of whom sadly compromise God’s Word in Genesis. <img src="" alt="Dr. John …read
A recent opinion piece posted on the Chemistry World website1 notes that Richard Dawkins’ 1976 book The Selfish Gene deeply motivated a generation of biologists to adopt a gene-centered framework to explain why biological phenomena seem to operate for specific purposes. The book’s persuasion notwithstanding, the article notes ongoing challenges to the validity of Dawkins’ “selfish gene metaphor.” … More… …read more Source:
Pigeon fanciers’ fancy pigeons fuelled Darwin’s flights of fancy …read more Source:
By Sarah Chaffee On this episode of ID the Future, we explore two topics. Sarah Chaffee analyzes New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof’s viewpoints on intellectual diversity. Kristof makes a compelling case for hiring faculty with varying political and religious viewpoints, but stops short when it comes to those skeptical of evolution. Then, David Klinghoffer discusses the “anti-science” label – and how it’s now used by those on both sides of disagreements on scientific issues. Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic Download Episode …read more Source: id the future
The best and worst of humanity can be found in people of all races. …read more Source:
By Dr. Danny R. Faulkner Some flat-earthers have appealed to the Book of Enoch to support their argument that the Bible teaches that the earth is flat. Does the Book of Enoch teach that the earth is flat? Let us examine some of its passages that supposedly do. …read more Source: AIG Daily
When these insects mate and shed their wings, it flies in the face of Darwinian thought. …read more Source:
By Creation Moments One of the fundamental lessons we learn from Scripture is that there is only one God. There are, however, a lot of false gods. In biblical times, these would often have been idols of wood, stone, or metal. But there are idols all around us today which demand our worship. These could be anything that people have put in the place of God. read more …read more Source: Creation Moments
By Ken Ham Easter Sunday, a day set aside to celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, is an excellent time to help children understand the significance of this historical event. That’s why we’re offering free Easter lessons for Pre-K through Grade 8 from our popular Answers Bible Curriculum. Easter Sunday, a day specifically set aside to celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ (on April 1 this year), is an excellent time to help children understand the significance of this historical event. That’s why we’re offering free Easter lessons for Pre-K through Grade 8 from our popular Answers Bible Curriculum (ABC).
By Troy Lacey In a recent article in Iraq magazine (an archaeology journal published by Cambridge University), the author, Dr. Ali Yaseen Al-Juboori, looked at a number of inscriptions and artifacts from digs conducted in Nineveh, some from 1987–1992 that have yet to be published. …read more Source: AIG Daily
Astronomers recently detected an enormous but short-lived increase in radiation from the nearby star Proxima Centauri.1,2 This radiation burst, known as a flare, caused the star to become a thousand times brighter for ten seconds. Our sun also has flares, but those flares are much smaller. At the time of its peak brightness, the Proxima Centauri flare was ten times brighter (in the measured wavelengths) than even the largest flares emi… More… …read more Source:
By Creation Moments The Ark was made of wood, so it had to be waterproofed. The most suitable type of waterproofing would be a hydrophobic substance, such as oil or grease. So it was coated inside and out with pitch. But what actually is pitch? In modern parlance, this refers to an oil fraction. But here some people raise a problem. If pitch is an oil fraction, then do we not assume that oil was produced during the Flood? read more …read more Source: Creation Moments
By Israel Wayne We must teach our children how to deal with the subtle thinking of this world that wars against our faith. Knowing your child involves far more than lecturing on what to believe. It mandates conversation and asking questions.It requires the Deuteronomy 6 method of discussing God’s Word, day and night. …read more Source: AIG Daily
Richard Dawkins wants to eat lab-grown human meat. Why? …read more Source:
By Dr. Alan Gillen Effects of horizontal gene transfer, seen from the viewpoint of diversity analysis of bacterial lineages, may seem a rather abstruse topic. Yet horizontal gene transfer among bacteria usually has immediate, practical effects on human health. …read more Source: AIG Daily
By Ken Ham According to a recent study, there’s been a minor tweak in the evolutionary story of the early evolution of life. Photosynthesis, the process by which plants, algae, and some microbes produce oxygen, might have evolved a billion years earlier than previously thought, and faster too. Linear calculations put the origin of photosynthesis older than the earth itself! Yep, just a minor tweak! The original evolutionary story went this way: cyanobacteria were the first life to produce oxygen. Since there was no oxygen before these microbes started making it, oxygen wasn’t available until about 2.7 billion years ago,
By Creation Moments Imagine that the tide went out much farther than it had ever done before. Imagine that you lived in a world full of evil, but this day it seemed like something big was about to happen. One man and his family had been building an enormous vessel while warning people of the coming judgment of God. You had joined in the laughter with everyone else. read more …read more Source: Creation Moments
By Ken Ham I am excited to announce that this coming November I will be speaking at the Contending for Creation conference, hosted by our sister organization AiG–UK, in the Republic of Ireland. The apologetics conference will take place at Athlone Springs Hotel in County Westmeath, November 2–3, 2018. Today is St. Patrick’s Day, a day many people celebrate all things Irish (or at least what has become associated with the Irish). I thought it would be the perfect day to announce our upcoming conference in Ireland! This coming November 2–3, I will be speaking at the Contending for Creation
A conclusion does not prove the premises are true. That is, if the answer is “four,” we could arrive at that any number of ways: 2 + 2, 5 – 1, etc. In the same way, evolutionists often assume that since certain species or traits exist, this is proof of evolution because that’s how it must have happened. …read more Source: AIG Daily
Best-selling author Dan Brown sets his sights on attacking creation-and gives a mention. …read more Source:
Mosaic from a house of worship in Israel shows that early Christians believed in the deity of Christ long before Constantine and Nicaea. …read more Source:
By Creation Moments Genesis 1:1 is pretty cool. It tells us that God made the world, the universe, and everything from nothing. It is a verse that gives the lie to all the great philosophies of the modern age. Yet, if I had to choose what I thought was the most beautiful verse in Genesis, that first verse would be close, but not the one. read more …read more Source: Creation Moments
By Ken Ham You never know who you might meet while you’re visiting either of our two world-class attractions in Northern Kentucky. Visitors from all over the world come to the Creation Museum and the Ark Encounter, including six men who recently came from the Faroe Islands (a part of Denmark between Norway and Iceland). These Danish Christian leaders were on their way to Los Angeles, California, to attend the Shepherds’ Conference, sponsored by Grace to You. These Danish Christian leaders visited the Creation Museum while on their way to attend the …read more Source: Ken Ham AIG
By Dr. Danny R. Faulkner Many recent creationists appear to oppose the Hubble relation, the expansion of the universe, and/or cosmological redshifts of quasars. The rejection of these topics by many creationists appears to be motivated by fear of possible evolutionary implications. …read more Source: AIG Daily
By Ken Ham A few weeks ago, news headlines around the world proclaimed that the oldest known “Briton” (by secular dating methods) was dark-skinned, according to genetic analysis (which was done for a TV documentary). But now new headlines are calling this pronouncement into question. These new reports are more tentative, stating that the results weren’t absolutely conclusive and that new research has shown even more genes than we thought are responsible for skin shade. It goes on to say that, even with current technology, we really can’t tell the shade of an ancient person’s skin yet, especially considering how