By Scot Chadwick How can concerned parents help their children love the church and carry the saving gospel to future generations? …read more Source: AIG Daily
By Ken Ham Andy Stanley, the pastor of North Point Community Church, recently claimed Christians need to “unhitch” the Old Testament from their understanding of the faith. …read more Source: AIG Daily
By Sarah Chaffee On this episode of ID the Future, Dr. Ann Gauger shares more about her experimental work evolving enzymes in the lab, honing in on how complex and specified enzymes are generated and testing Darwinian predictions experimentally. Listen in as she shares what her most recent study discovered about an insurmountable problem for evolution. Ann Gauger received a BS in biology from MIT, and a PhD in developmental biology from the University of Washington, where she studied cell adhesion molecules involved in Drosophila embryogenesis. As a post-doctoral fellow at Harvard she cloned and characterized the Drosophila kinesin light
Everyone loves bacon; or maybe every scientist loves Bacon. The Bacon to which I am referring is Sir Francis Bacon, later Viscount St. Alban, 1561-1626. It is to him that we owe a debt of thanks for the introduction of an early scientific method. read more …read more Source: Creation Moments
How were they discovered? Why are they important for the creation/evolution debate? …read more Source:
A common seaweed called rainbow wrack grows along Europe’s coasts, including tidal rock pools in the UK. Deep inside its cells, this marine plant uses oily chemicals to make opal look-alikes—“living opals.” This discovery intrigues nanotechnologists. Opals are gemstones renowned for the way they make white light shimmer with thin rainbow colors. Deep inside the opals, light bounces off very tiny ball… More… …read more Source:
Rock layers tells us a lot about the earth’s past, but some geologists have an ingrained bias when they look at some amazing features. …read more Source:
There is a myth perpetrated by some that Flood Geology is an invention of the 20th Century, not supported, except implicitly, by geologists of earlier eras. This is not the case. One man who can prove this myth to be false is John Woodward, a contemporary of Isaac Newton. read more …read more Source: Creation Moments
By Ken Ham Our talks at UCO were a witness to a public university and clearly presented the foundation of God’s Word and the gospel (including to the LGBTQ group)! …read more Source: AIG Daily
By Avery Foley Song of Solomon has been adopted by those who claim that the Bible not only speaks of sexual promiscuity but also endorses it in glowing terms. …read more Source: AIG Daily
By Ken Ham Evolutionists couldn’t have been more wrong about Neanderthals. When this human variety (now considered by evolutionists to be a cousin to modern man) was first discovered, they were considered primitive and brutish, hence the insult of calling someone a “Neanderthal.” Many museums still depict Neanderthals in this fashion. But nothing could be further from the truth. Further research has shown that Neanderthals buried their dead with rituals, made and wore jewelry, wore cosmetics, played instruments, and even had children with “modern” humans. In other words, they were human, highly intelligent, and creative, just like us. The evolutionary
By Sarah Chaffee On this episode of ID the Future, biophysicist Cornelius Hunter explains how mitochondria, the powerhouse of eukaryotic cells, pose a powerful and newly acute problem for evolution. For years evolutionists thought that some early cells must somehow have brought other cells inside of them, and those other cells then mysteriously evolved into mitochondria. But recent research undermines that notion. Why do many evolutionists then still cling to the idea? Dr. Hunter’s answer explains how a lot of evolutionary thinking persists in the face of mounting contrary evidence.Please consider donating to support the IDTF Podcast. Your browser does
By Ken Ham Each month the journal from the Kentucky Travel Industry Association (KTIA) features an interview with a leading member of the travel industry, and this month I was interviewed. I shared about the success of our Ark Encounter Christian themed attraction. The Ark has had a tremendous economic impact since we opened in July 2016, bringing in well over a million visitors a year and pouring millions of dollars into the Kentucky economy. Motor-coach tour bookings are up 20% in 2018, meaning that thousands of people will be arriving over the spring, summer, and fall on tour buses
By Ken Ham Has the gospel changed? No, it hasn’t but the culture has. The method by which we present the gospel needs to be such that the culture will understand. …read more Source: AIG Daily
“What was old is new again” describes fashion cycles where young people today are wearing clothes and buying furniture styled after that of their grandparents. Evolutionary biology also has similar cycles, especially when it comes to “new” ideas that are constantly revising the ill-defined concept of natural selection. W. Ford Doolittle and S. Andrew Inkpen recently advanced their new take on natural selection that a… More… …read more Source:
By Ken Ham My brand-new book, Gospel Reset, has been so popular it’s already headed for its second printing. This book will help you understand the method we need to use to share the good news of Jesus Christ in our increasingly secular culture. And several prominent pastors and Christian leaders have already read it and sent us their reviews. “Things have changed, yes even the world we live in. However, our message is unchanging, and Ken Ham gives clear, concise, and compelling hope to reach this changing world with the good news of Christ.” Dr. Johnny Hunt, senior pastor
By Sarah Chaffee On this episode of ID the Future from the vault, biologist Ann Gauger discusses an article in BIO-Complexity that she and Douglas Axe authored. Listen in as Dr. Gauger shares how she tested the changes necessary to evolve enzymes by a Darwinian mechanism. Ann Gauger received a BS in biology from MIT, and a PhD in developmental biology from the University of Washington, where she studied cell adhesion molecules involved in Drosophila embryogenesis. As a post-doctoral fellow at Harvard she cloned and characterized the Drosophila kinesin light chain. Her research has been published in Nature, Development, and
How do scientific measurements and fundamental constants reflect the Creator’s divine hand? Our universe permits physical, interactive life only because these and many other numbers are exquisitely and independently balanced. How did such incredibly fine-tuned numbers come about: by chance and time, or by plan and purpose? Listen: The Institute for Creation Research
Various cultures around the world have legends about a flood that destroyed the earth. …read more Source: AIG Daily
Creation magazine helps us to think biblically about science, evolution, and origins. Disciples must submit to God’s Word, including Genesis. See this editorial from the soon-to-be-released issue. …read more Source:
It surely is not possible to learn science without coming across the name of Sir Isaac Newton, one of history’s greatest scientists. While many scientists concentrate on one field of study, Newton is famous for three: light, calculus, and gravity. read more …read more Source: Creation Moments
By Ken Ham Many people, especially those with a biology, genetics, or zoology background, have questions about the original created kinds of land animals that went on the Ark during the Flood. How many kinds were there? What defines a kind? How have these kinds speciated to all the species we have today? Well, you can get in-depth answers to all these questions, and more, with a brand-new resource, You can order these two volumes, separately or together, from If you would like to discover more about the Ark kinds at …read more Source: Ken Ham AIG
A reader asks, if God is loving, why would He kill all those people in a Flood? …read more Source:
By Sarah Chaffee On this episode of ID the Future, paleoentomologist Günter Bechly discusses the new dragonfly fossil that he discovered, described, and named after intelligent design theorist Michael Behe–Chrismooreia michaelbehei. Bechly describes what’s remarkable about this stunning fossil, explains some problems dragonflies poses for Darwinism, and shares some of the strangely uninformed criticisms he’s received for naming the species after Behe. See pictures of the fossil on Evolution News. Please consider donating to support the IDTF Podcast. Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic Download Episode …read more Source:
In another Creation Moment, we discussed the fact that the famous scientist and mathematician Isaac Newton believed Genesis to be a true book. We would probably not want to follow Newton’s theological beliefs, given that they were Arian in nature, but it is not often realized that Newton wrote extensively on the subject of history. read more …read more Source: Creation Moments
By Ken Ham During a recent morning meeting, our staff was blessed by a performance from the Esangalo Choir. This choir of boys and girls from Uganda, Africa, is currently on tour across the United States, performing a high-energy concert in churches and other venues to encourage believers and raise funds and awareness for Helping Hands Foreign Missions. The concert was a joyful, encouraging way for our staff to start their day. The energy the Esangalo Choir brought with them was contagious! And it was exciting to hear about this ministry’s work of developing thriving, sustainable Christ-based communities among the
By Ken Ham Archaeologists in Peru have uncovered what they believe to be “compelling scientific evidence for the largest single mass child sacrifice event known in world history.” The remains of over 140 children, aged 5–14, were found buried with over 200 baby llamas in Huanchaquito-Las Llamas. The researchers believe these children and llamas were sacrificed 500 years ago to “fend off the repeated disruptions wrought by El Niño.” Evidence indicates they had their hearts taken out! People reading this story are understandably horrified—who would allow a priest to gruesomely kill children? And what kind of people group would kill