Biden Drops ‘Creator’ When Describing How He Cited Declaration to Putin: ‘We Hold These Truths Self-Evident…’ | CNSNews

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“No surprise about this since he removed God from the National Day of Prayer  Proclamation. The Godless Dems are in for a very unpleasant surprise when they stand before the God they so ardently don’t believe in on Judgement Day.”  Admin


At a press conference today after his meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Geneva, Switzerland, President Joe Biden said he explained America’s commitment to human rights to Putin while referencing the “idea” articulated in the Declaration of Independence.


But while referencing the language and idea of the Declaration at his press conference, Biden left out any reference to the Creator.


Read More: Biden Drops ‘Creator’ When Describing How He Cited Declaration to Putin: ‘We Hold These Truths Self-Evident…’ | CNSNews