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I couldn’t help but note your shade of melanin. …read more Source: creation.com     
The Bible is the supreme authority in all it teaches. All else, and particularly human conjecture, is subordinate to and corrected by the written Word of God. …read more Source: creation.com     
By kpennock On this episode of ID the Future, geneticist Wolf-Ekkehard Lönnig discusses Gregor Mendel’s laws of inheritance and how they opposed the thinking of Darwin. Listen in as he explains Mendel’s laws and why they are still relevant for biology, and particularly genetics. Listen in as he explains Mendel’s laws and why they are still relevant for biology, and particularly genetics. Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic Download Episode …read more Source: id the future     
By Ken Ham Subscribers to our award-winning Answers magazine, start checking your mailbox because the latest issue of this popular publication is on its way. This family magazine comes out six times a year and is packed with apologetics and creation worldview teaching you won’t find anywhere else. If you’re not a subscriber, be sure to order today so you won’t miss this amazing issue. The cover feature in this issue highlights the incredible design of the Arctic fox and how God has lavishly provided for this north-dwelling member of the dog kind. You’ll also learn some fun facts about [More]
By Ken Ham The ability to study God’s creation—a rational universe we can make sense of—and do science is a great gift from our Creator. Science should move us to praise and glorify him. But, sadly, many worship the created creatures rather than their Creator. And many children are indoctrinated in government schools to think this way, instead of being encouraged to look to God’s Word, use that as the basis for science, and then do good science for God’s glory. Well, we have unique and exciting Learn more about the Creation Museum’s Explore days. Jennifer Rivera, the Creation Museum’s [More]
By Dr. Danny R. Faulkner One of the major proponents of using the big bang to prove God’s existence is the Christian philosopher William Lane Craig. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Creation Moments Do you feel sorry for Pluto? It isn’t a planet anymore. Of course, you might want to point out to me that this is old news. Pluto was reclassified in 2006, being downgraded to the new category of dwarf planet. Thus, the Solar System went back to being a collection of eight planets, just as it had been before the discovery of Pluto in 1930. read more …read more Source: Creation Moments     
When the book Alien Intrusion was published, its message helped thousands. Now we have a chance to reach even more. …read more Source: creation.com     
(Credit: NASA, H. Richey) It was heralded as decisive proof of the theory of evolution. But Harvard biologist and Nobel Prize laureate Jack Szostak now has retracted a major paper that claimed to explain one of the most important questions about the origin of human life. In 2016, Szostak published a paper claiming he had found…
By Ken Ham To fully understand the significance of Christmas, we need to understand the history of the Old Testament that led up to this greatest of events—the birth of Jesus. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Rick Barry A Harvard-trained geneticist shows how new findings have shattered Darwin’s best guesses about the origin of species. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Creation Moments When I was a boy, there were nine planets. I remember reports in 1982 about the discovery of a tenth planet. Nobody actually saw the alleged tenth planet through a telescope. However, measurements were made of the orbits of other planets, and perturbations from where they thought the orbits should be were noted. It was assumed that these perturbations were caused by a large planet beyond the orbit of Pluto. read more …read more Source: Creation Moments     
By Ken Ham We’re excited about our first family conference at the Ark Encounter. This event—with sessions for the whole family—will be taking place July 16–20, 2018, in our brand-new 2,500-seat multi-purpose auditorium near the full-size Noah’s Ark in Williamstown, Kentucky. This will be the first big event held in the auditorium, which is currently under construction. You won’t want to miss being part of Equipping Families to Stand. Guest keynote speakers Dennis and Barbara Rainey of FamilyLife … will be equipping parents to guide their families in our increasingly secular culture. At this unique conference, AiG speakers (including myself) [More]
By Ken Ham At Answers in Genesis, we want to reach the whole world with the message of biblical authority and the gospel of Jesus Christ. That’s why we’re expanding with offices in other countries including Canada, the UK, Australia, Mexico, and Peru. We recently had the excellent opportunity to welcome the directors from these offices to AiG-US, and I recorded a short video to give you and our staff updates on what is happening in their mission fields. You can meet Simon Turpin (AiG-UK/Europe), Calvin Smith (AiG-Canada), David Ham (AiG-Australia), and Joe Owen (AiG-Mexico) in this video filmed at [More]
By Ken Ham This may come as a shock to you, but the American Atheists have released a billboard I can actually support! Each year as sort of their own (purposeless) holiday tradition, this group puts up several billboards in the United States. Usually the boards mock Christianity or urge people to skip church (as one of their current billboards does). But this year, to promote the upcoming American Atheist National Convention in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, they created a different kind of billboard—one I can support! This billboard reads, “Just like Santa Claus, the atheists are comin’ to town.” …read [More]
By Frost Smith When we see Scripture refer to “invisible things” as being evidence for our Creator, do we often think of chemistry? …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Creation Moments In my book Where Birds Eat Horses, I talk about the way that evolutionists use, or rather misuse, language in order to make their case. One type of language much loved by evolutionists is what we call “fuzzy words”. read more …read more Source: Creation Moments     
By Troy Lacey As family members head back home or we head back to work or we clean up the house after the festivities, what do we think about the day after Christmas? …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Ken Ham Recently I received a letter personally addressed to me from America’s abortion giant Planned Parenthood. I’ve very publicly called this evil organization what it is—one of the biggest human murdering machines in the world. It’s an organization helping men and women sacrifice children to what we call the “god of self.” This letter from Planned Parenthood was thanking me for inspiring someone to donate. You can read my full response to the “thank you” letter in this article. But I wanted to share something else with you. We’ve received two letters from people who were apparently inspired [More]
Could God have created a world where nobody sinned? If so, why didn’t He? …read more Source: creation.com     
By Creation Moments A small boy was asked in class “What family does the whale belong to?” Nervously, he replied”I don’t know sir. No family on our street has one!” read more …read more Source: Creation Moments     
By Ken Ham Today marks a milestone in the history of this apologetics ministry. On December 27, 1993, our attorney filed articles of incorporation, signaling the beginning of the organization that was subsequently called Answers in Genesis. Of course, it would take a few weeks before our first seminar, newsletter, and other outreaches appeared, but we consider December 27 our official birthday. Today’s anniversary gives us an opportunity to reflect on God’s blessings over 24 years. Today’s anniversary gives us an opportunity to reflect on God’s blessings over 24 years, including when we faced some “Red Sea” moments—with a sea [More]
As the release of CMI’s movie Alien Intrusion: Unmasking a Deception draws near, writer, producer, and director Gary Bates shares his thoughts and the impact he hopes this film will have. …read more Source: creation.com     
Research provides evidence that nuclear transmutation rates were dramatically higher in the past. …read more Source: creation.com     
By Creation Moments Think of the Arctic and you probably think about polar bears. Those magnificent, big, white carnivores are probably pictured in your mind standing on snow and ice, where they can be difficult to see. The Arctic is the realm of the bear, and this is reflected in its name. The word “Arctic” is derived from the Greek word arktos, meaning bear. There are layers of meaning here. read more …read more Source: Creation Moments     
A number of secular cosmologists claim that our universe is just one of many universes that exist. Why do they say this? Is there any evidence for this claim? And how does this relate to the creation-evolution controversy? Listen: Hiding from God in the Multiverse | The Institute for Creation Research
Secular scientists have drilled into the thick ice sheets of Greenland and Antarctica and extracted cores that run thousands of meters deep. These scientists claim that the deepest layers are hundreds of thousands of years old. Do these ice cores really prove an old earth? Listen: Do Deep Ice Cores Prove an Old Earth? | The Institute for Creation Research