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Man’s designs pale into insignificance compared with God’s handiwork. …read more Source: creation.com     
By Creation Moments One of the early evidences for evolution, at one time found in almost every school textbook, was based upon the salt content of human blood plasma and the salt content of the sea. Professor Macallum of the University of Toronto began with the assumption that life on earth began in the sea and that the first land creatures had retained that sea salt concentration in their blood. read more …read more Source: Creation Moments     
By Ken Ham If you’re planning a visit to the Ark Encounter in Northern Kentucky, be sure to bring an appetite! We have a wide variety of delicious foods available, including our high-quality buffet in Emzara’s restaurant, meats and more from our smokehouse, nachos, Monte Cristo sandwiches, rolled ice cream, and so much more. People rave about the food options, many of which you can’t find elsewhere! Bring your appetites to the Ark Encounter—spiritual and physical! Monte Cristo sandwiches Nachos BBQ Sundae <img …read more Source: Ken Ham AIG     
By Dr. Danny R. Faulkner June 30 is International Asteroid Day. It’s an opportunity to talk about asteroids and a good time to discuss a recent item in the news related to asteroids. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By John UpChurch The astonishing similarity of designs among unrelated creatures is powerful evidence of a Common Designer …read more Source: AIG Daily     
Blister beetles of California’s Mojave Desert depend on solitary bees for their life cycle. However, the beetles have nothing of interest to offer the bees. read more …read more Source: Creation Moments     
By Ken Ham Do you have an academically inclined young person who loves discovering more about God’s creation? Well, we’re thrilled to promote and partner with Camp Infinity (Ci), a unique STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) camp that combines hands-on STEM activities with biblical worldview teaching. It’s the perfect experience for any young person who loves to solve problems and discover new things. And there are still spots available for young people in grades 7–12 this summer for Ci’s teen overnight camps, July 9–14 and 16–21. We’re thrilled to promote and partner with Camp Infinity (Ci), a unique STEM [More]
By Ken Ham The Ark Encounter and Creation Museum are “evolving”—but not in the sense of chance, random processes. It’s through lots of intelligent design! …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Ken Ham Today is Canada Day, the anniversary of Confederation in Canada. We want to wish a happy Canada Day to our many Canadian supporters. And, for those in Canada who haven’t heard yet, we’re very excited about Answers in Genesis–Canada, our new (and quickly growing) outreach in that nation. Calvin Smith, from Ontario, Canada, is the director of AiG–Canada. Since we launched AiG–Canada, he’s been traveling across Canada, speaking in churches and other venues. We’ve been receiving rave reviews from people who are excited to have AiG in their own country and to have the ability to order [More]
By Creation Moments The Bible portrays Jerusalem as an established city of some importance even at the time of Abraham. Yet many Biblical scholars describe Jerusalem as, at best, an unimportant settlement as late as the time of David in 1000 B.C. Now a Biblical scholar may have found the evidence to settle the issue in favor of the Biblical history. read more …read more Source: Creation Moments     
By Ken Ham Could a wooden ship the size of Noah’s ark actually float? That’s the focus of the newest issue of Read the latest issue of Answers magazine to find out how Noah’s Ark could have survived the storm. This issue also looks at scientists who are speaking out against evolution—and they aren’t creationists! You’ll also see how the Smoky Mountains of Tennessee point toward a global flood, learn what’s behind the attack on marriage in our Western cultures, and discover if bacteria can be resurrected from the grave. Other fascinating topics include “Disarming Skeptics.” Homophobic. Misogynist. How do [More]
How many ways has God told us there are to come to faith? …read more Source: creation.com     
Concretions are remarkable geological curiosities. They are spherical carbonate formations composed of mineral cement. Concretions are found near and far, from Western Kazakhstan to beaches in California. Usually the size of cannonballs, they form from water eroding a piece out of sedimentary rock. They almost look man-made. Many fossils of dead creatures have been found inside these strange deposits. Several important questi… More… …read more Source: icr.org     
By Sarah Chaffee On this episode of ID The Future from the vault, Jay Richards talks with Professor and author John Lennox about his book, Seven Days that Divide the World: The Beginning According to Genesis and Science. In his book, Lennox delves into controversial issues surrounding science and faith, answering common questions regarding apparent tensions between scripture and scientific evidence.
Part 2: The geology and geography of Eden …read more Source: creation.com     
Sharing the gospel with evolutionists is not as dangerous as people imagine. …read more Source: creation.com     
By Creation Moments Only two members of the cat family are mentioned in the Bible: lions and leopards. And, in any case, we can work out exactly when they were created. Cats are land animals, so they were created on Day Six of the Creation week. read more …read more Source: Creation Moments     
By Creation Moments Like so many children over the last century, I was given a book about dinosaurs when I was a small boy. This book contained references to a number of extinct creatures other than dinosaurs, and one of the most fascinating to me was ichthyosaur. read more …read more Source: Creation Moments     
By Avery Foley The celebration of LGBT Pride points to something the Bible warns against time and time again—and it is not just sexual immorality. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Dr. John Baumgardner This paper describes a numerical model for investigating the large-scale erosion, transport, and sedimentation processes associated with the Genesis Flood. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
A former evolutionist who has worked as a research biologist now has a museum that highlights creation. …read more Source: creation.com     
By Creation Moments Did you know that if you stared at an object with absolutely no eye movement you would eventually go blind? Actually, it is impossible to stare at anything without some eye movement and there is a good reason for this. read more …read more Source: Creation Moments     
Social insects seldom, if ever, tolerate other species within their communities. Strangers are generally identified by their smell, rather than by their appearance, since those insects that aren’t actually blind have very poor eyesight. It is common for social insects to unite to destroy even one stranger who invades their nest. read more …read more Source: Creation Moments     
By Creation Moments There are certain occasions in the Bible when we are directed to look at the behavior or traits of an animal and are asked to learn an important lesson from them, behavioral or spiritual. One of the most well known of these is found in Proverbs 6:6, where we are told to “Go to the ant, O sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise.” read more …read more Source: Creation Moments     
By Ken Ham Canada has just recognized two men and one woman who are involved in a “polyamorous” relationship as the parents of one child on the child’s birth certificate. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Ken Ham A number of people have asked us to comment on the words of a popular worship song that has come out of Hillsong United, “So Will I (100 Billion X).” …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Ken Ham On the front page of our website, we recently featured an article from a few years ago that included an interview with pastor and Bible teacher Dr. John MacArthur of Grace to You and Grace Community Church in California. In this article, Dr. MacArthur speaks to the clarity of Scripture and the gospel. He says those who say the Bible is not clear are really saying, “God may have spoken, but He mumbled, and we’re not really sure what He said. Saying that Scripture is not clear is just another way to undermine biblical authority.” I encourage [More]