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By Dr. Danny R. Faulkner Hugh Ross contends that “creation passages” in Jeremiah through Zechariah also teach that the age of the universe is on the order of billions of years. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
Every person is an important ecosystem for a wide variety of microorganisms. Whether it’s the bacterial collection of coliforms in our large intestine, streptococci in our mouth, or the diptheroids on our skin, it’s the normal flora or normal microbiota. The microbial colonization of our gut, for example, supports the digestion of complex nutritional components and activates anatomical changes of the intestine. This total collec… More… …read more Source: icr.org     
By Ken Ham We’ve been warning about it for years: once a culture abandons the authority of God’s Word, then anything goes. Our culture has redefined sexuality to the point where the only remaining ethic is “consent,” a completely arbitrary standard (and who or what defines consent is an increasingly thorny issue). What’s to stop the redefinition from including children, multiple partners, or even animals? And that’s exactly what we see now at an increasing rate. I’ve talked before about the growing rise of polyamory (“many loves”) and the attempt to get it redefined as just another sexual orientation. Well, [More]
By Sarah Chaffee On this episode of ID the Future, author and radio host Eric Metaxas interviews Stephen Meyer at the 2019 Dallas Conference on Science and Faith. Meyer, author of the New York Times bestseller Darwin’s Doubt and director of the Center for Science and Culture, tells how he started out asking the “why” questions — some of the same ones Isaac Newton had wondered about — questions that remain with us today. A few years later, in the 1980s, he happened onto a science/faith conference (also in Dallas), and that started him on his journey of studying, writing, [More]
In wrestling with the overwhelming evidence of design around us, atheists propose explanations somewhere beyond this world; even in imagined other universes. …read more Source: creation.com     
By Ken Ham In 1955, more than a dozen strange-looking killer whales were stranded on a beach in New Zealand. Called “type D” killer whales, they were virtually unknown in the wild to science, except in a few photographs and fisherman stories, from that time on. But, as National Geographic reports, scientists have now observed a pod of these whales for the first time. Scientists headed for the dangerous waters off the tip of South America where these whales reportedly patrol the seas. After waiting for a week, a pod of whales finally approached the anchored research vessel. Scientists were [More]
By Ken Ham Order your copy of Glass House: Shattering the Myth of Evolution today! You see, God created organisms to reproduce according to their kinds. Cats produce cats, dogs produce dogs, and elephants produce elephants. But God built tremendous genetic diversity into the DNA of every kind that he made. This allows them to spread out and fill the earth, adapting to different ecological niches. That’s why we can have wolves that thrive in the cold arctic, coyotes that scavenge at the local city dump, and dingoes that hunt on the grasslands and deserts of Australia. They’re all dogs, [More]
What is a ‘big picture’ that has no author, meaning, or purpose? …read more Source: creation.com     
By Ken Ham In one month, families and individuals from across the United States (37 states so far!) will be arriving at the Ark Encounter in Northern Kentucky for our five-day Easter conference, Answering Atheists (April 17–21, 2019). These attendees will tour the Ark Encounter and the Creation Museum and hear equipping messages from experts such as Dr. Jason Lisle, Living Waters’ Ray Comfort, Dr. Christopher Cone, and many more. They’ll also enjoy newly produced movies, including two premiering that week. Answering Atheists is sponsored by our friends over at Pure Flix, and they will be showing their excellent film [More]
By William A. Dembski On this episode of ID the Future, Anika Smith interviews mathematician and philosopher William Dembski on a break from teaching at Discovery Institute’s Summer Seminars on Intelligent Design. Listen in as Dr. Dembski shares his advice for young scientists interested in ID and the hope he has for the future of intelligent design. Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic Download Episode …read more Source: id the future     
The incredible basilisk has an amazing ability that allows it to skim across the water. …read more Source: creation.com     
By Ken Ham All the opposition we face results in more publicity for AiG, and more people find out about our world-class attractions and come to visit. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Dr. Marcus Ross Contrary to popular portrayals of T. Rex as an ungainly brute who lumbered onto the scene millions of years ago, he was regally designed. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Sarah Chaffee On this episode of ID the Future from the vault, Ray Bohlin and Michael Behe discuss the limits of evolution. Does evolution innovative by building things, or does it only innovate by breaking things? Behe demonstrates the surprising answer with a closer look at polar bears. Behe is the subject of an engaging science documentary now available online: Revolutionary. His new book, Darwin Devolves: The New Science About DNA That Challenges Evolution is available on Amazon.Please consider donating to support the IDTF Podcast. Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or …read more [More]
By Mark Looy Did Moses write the Torah (also called the Pentateuch), the first five books of the Bible, including Exodus? …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Günter Bechly On this episode of ID the Future, Dr. Günter Bechly, paleoentomologist and former curator for amber and fossil insects for the State Museum of Natural History in Stuttgart, Germany, talks with host Andrew McDiarmid about evidence for macroevolution among insects. The fossil record is “saturated,” Bechly says. By that he doesn’t mean there aren’t new fossil forms to discover. Bechly himself has discovered several. He means we have an extensive enough sampling to confidently discern the major patterns of change and stasis in the history of life. And it shows no sign of insect evolution. It shows [More]
By Günter Bechly On this episode of ID the Future, Andrew McDiarmid interviews paleoentomologist Günter Bechly about human evolution, and how the story keeps getting rewritten. The “out of Africa” story was once “indisputable,” but recent evidence has overturned it; it’s now “dead.” The human phylogenetic tree is riddled with question marks. An original human pair is no longer out of the question. So much weakly founded evidence has been oversold in the past, says Bechly, it’s still wise to apply a healthy dose of skepticism toward today’s “indisputable facts” of human evolution. Please consider donating to support the IDTF [More]
By Ken Ham Get out your hiking boots and prepare to hunt for fossils in one of the most popular fossil-hunting locations in the Midwest: Caesar Creek Lake in Ohio (about one hour from our Creation Museum). As you uncover some fascinating fossilized creatures, you will learn from AiG geologist and Research Director, Dr. Andrew Snelling, and AiG’s paleontologist, Dr. Gabriela Haynes, who moved from Brazil and joined our staff recently. They’ll help you think biblically about geology and fossils while you learn in the best classroom of all—the field! This very hands-on experience includes instruction and special geology presentations [More]
By Dr. Danny R. Faulkner Hugh Ross contends that “creation passages” in Proverbs through Isaiah also teach that the age of the universe is on the order of billions of years. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Michael Newton Keas On this episode of ID the Future, Andrew McDiarmid talks with science historian Michael Keas on pioneering mathematical astronomer Johannes Kepler, based on Keas’ new work from ISI Books, Unbelievable: 7 Myths About the History and Future of Science and Religion. Kepler studied theology before turning to math and science, and it was his belief in God that guided his extraordinary discoveries. “Without an architect who created the world,” he said, “there is no … power in mathematics to make anything material.” Scientists, in his view of God, were thinking the thoughts or ideas that God [More]
Well-funded YouTube video falls far short in explaining how consciousness evolved …read more Source: creation.com     
By Ken Ham What’s it like to study science at a secular university as a creationist? Get answers from Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson of AiG, a scientist with a PhD in cell and developmental biology from Harvard University. He recently sat down for an interview published by World magazine. It’s an excellent interview, and I encourage you to read it, especially if you’re a young person interested in science. Dr. Jeanson is a research scientist here at Answers in Genesis and the author of the very popular book Replacing Darwin that deals in detail with natural selection, speciation, and adaptation, clearly [More]
Recent headlines claim, “Scientists Have Witnessed a Single-Celled Algae Evolve Into a Multicellular Organism.”1 In reality, the experiment showed that nothing more than a crude clumping together of individual cells had occurred. A new multicellular organism was not created, nor was any real evolution observed. One of the major hurdles in the grand story of molecules to man evolution is how life… More… …read more Source: icr.org     
By Ken Ham I am currently “Down Under,” in my homeland of Australia. I have been doing some speaking in several churches across the country, including in Sydney, its largest city, and in Hobart, Tasmania. It is exciting to see such a hunger for creation apologetics resources. At AiG, we produce the world’s leading creation apologetics materials to equip believers to defend the Christian faith against the secular religion (e.g., atheism) permeating our culture and particularly the younger generations. These faith-affirming resources are available at AnswersinGenesis.org in the US, …read more Source: Ken Ham AIG     
A new study by NASA scientists has just been published where researchers did nothing more than convert a pre-cursor chemical into a single type of amino acid. Despite the simplicity of this experiment and the lack of anything helpful to evolution being found, the popular media exclaimed that the scientists were able to “recreate the ‘origins of life’ and the results are shocking.”1,2 In reality, the only t… More… …read more Source: icr.org     
AiG’s Easter conference will provide a logical defense of the Christian faith, answering many questions people have regarding the Bible and Christianity. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
God tells us in Genesis how and when He created the heavens and the earth. It wasn’t by means of a bang no matter how big. …read more Source: creation.com