Pete Buttigieg is weaponizing a false Christianity…to attack pro-lifers | Blogs | LifeSite

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“The Bible says to beware of wolves in sheeps clothing.”  Admin


With the exit of Kamala Harris from the race for the Democratic presidential nomination, America has been given a reprieve from an utterly amoral and narcissistic politician who will do anything it takes to get to the top. I say reprieve only because I’m sure her campaign for the vice presidential nomination is already underway. She is also ruthlessly ambitious: Remember, this is the woman that took Planned Parenthood cash to fund her senate campaign, and while serving as California Attorney General ordered a raid on the home of pro-life journalists who investigated the abortion giant. She also began prosecuting them.


Harris was the candidate that worried me most, but that isn’t saying much. All of the top-tier Democratic presidential candidates have stated that they will fund Planned Parenthood, force taxpayers to fund abortions both in the United States and abroad, and codify abortion throughout all nine months of pregnancy into federal law to ensure that Roe v. Wade will live to kill another day even if the Supreme Court decides to overturn the ruling. Pete Buttigieg even suggested that Christians should embrace abortion until birth with a bizarre take on a cherry-picked quote from Scripture.


“[Pro-life Christians] hold everybody in line with this one, kind of piece of doctrine about abortion, which is obviously a tough issue for a lot of people to think through morally,” Mayor Pete told an interviewer. “Then again, there’s a lot of parts of the Bible that talk about how life begins with breath, and so even that is something that we can interpret differently.” With that sort of exegesis and his resulting conviction that a baby sucking her thumb in the womb can be legally dismembered, Buttigieg clearly didn’t have a particularly tough time thinking through this moral issue. He simply twisted the Bible to support his (or the Democratic Party’s) position.


Read More: Pete Buttigieg is weaponizing a false Christianity…to attack pro-lifers | Blogs | LifeSite