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By Dr. Alan White We cannot understand the climate change issue unless we ground our perspective in God’s Word. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Dr. Tommy Mitchell The story of the peppered moth has been set forth for decades as the prime example of evolution in action. But, are they really evidence of evolution? …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Ken Ham People have a lot of questions about the truth of God’s Word. Hasn’t science proved millions of years? Where do dinosaurs fit into the Bible? Why is there death and suffering? What about evolution? And many more. And you can find answers to these often-asked questions, and more, in two brand-new DVDs from Answers in Genesis. These new DVDs feature teaching from AiG speakers and researchers Bryan Osborne and Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson, based on their books Quick Answers to Tough Questions and Replacing Darwin. Bryan does an excellent job in his new The new Quick Answers to [More]
By Ken Ham Do we live on a young or an old earth? That question was the subject of a debate between Ken Ham and Dr. Jeff Zweerink on a radio show, Unbelievable. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
Many people of European descent have less melanin in their eyes, and it’s got nothing to do with evolution …read more Source: creation.com     
By Ken Ham Chinese law forbids Christian parents from teaching children about Christ promising fines and other consequences for those who violate the law. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Todd Friel Why is this question asked? While it is likely raised because postmodernism demands that all roads lead to God, it still has some validity because of a man we meet in the book of Genesis: Abraham. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
Evolutionary scientists are continually searching for evidence of the “first life” on Earth. Their most recent claim involves well-preserved stromatolite fossils from Australia. Stromatolites are finely laminated biomats formed by colonial cyanobacteria—a complex type of photosynthetic bacteria. Fossil stromatolites are found in mounded structures similar to modern stromatolites. The fossils aren’t composed of the ba… More… …read more Source: icr.org     
By Ken Ham Earlier this month, hundreds of pastors, leaders, and other believers from across the United States and other countries gathered in Williamstown, Kentucky, at the Ark Encounter in our new Answers Center for our annual Answers for Pastors and Leaders conference. This conference tackled the question of race from a biblical, scientific, and practical perspective. It was a remarkable conference, and attendees raved about the depth and quality of content. The group of great speakers who joined me included AiG’s Bodie Hodge, Dr. Terry Mortenson, Joe Owen, and Dr. Georgia Purdom. Our guests also included my long-time friends [More]
A useful new resource examining the use of Genesis in the DSS. …read more Source: creation.com     
By Harry F. Sanders, III Because of their isolated natural habitats, guppy populations have been used to study the processes of “evolution” in the wild. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Ken Ham Do you have a student in grades 4–12? Well, we have an opportunity for them! Here at the Creation Museum, we’re offering Explore Days. These are full days of hands-on science learning with a biblical worldview. There’s nothing like these offered anywhere else! Explore Days are full of hands-on science learning with a biblical worldview. There’s nothing like these offered anywhere else! Each student will gain a thorough understanding of the topic through hands-on application, visual presentations, critical thinking, interactive lab components, and expert guest speakers. Explore Days feature a wide variety of topics: Astronomy Chemistry Dinosaurs [More]
Space scientist Dr Henry Richter’s new book Spacecraft Earth explores how Earth is designed for life …read more Source: creation.com     
New findings continue to support ICR’s theoretical assumption that biological functions are best explained by engineering principles.1 These findings challenge long-held Darwinian assumptions that the environment is responsible for “selecting” creatures, causing them to adapt. Rather, creatures appear designed from the start to sense their environment and adapt accordingly. The latest research comes from the lab… More… …read more Source: icr.org     
By Ken Ham In just a few short days, I am headed across the pond for our annual UK Creation Mega Conference, October 24–26, 2019. In West Midlands, I’ll be speaking on Genesis and the state of the church and culture, how we’re all one race, and how to raise godly children in an ungodly world. And it’s not too late for you to join me and the other apologetics speakers as we “contend for the faith.” As a lead up to this conference, Dr. Jeff Zweerink from Reasons to Believe and I debated issues regarding the book of …read [More]
Were Paul’s letters coauthored? And are the resurrection accounts really plausible? …read more Source: creation.com     
A review of ’40 Years of Evolution: Darwin’s finches on Daphne Major Island’ by Peter and Rosemary Grant. …read more Source: creation.com     
By Ken Ham If you’re a homeschool parent, I hope you can join me for the Homeschool Family Relationships Summit, an online event hosted by Homeschool Summits. Homeschooling graduates and parents Danny and Megan Craig will be interviewing me as part of their six-day summit, October 14–19, 2019. And you can watch all of the sessions (over 20, featuring a variety of different speakers) live for free! Here’s what Homeschool Summit says about this upcoming event: Homeschooling forces you to fight out relational battles, whether you like it or not. But conflict and challenges are the perfect place for us [More]
A friend of the ministry asks, didn’t Jesus and Paul use nasty language toward their opponents? We give an answer. …read more Source: creation.com     
By Bodie Hodge To settle this issue of the reality of dragons, let us turn to the Word of Almighty God who knows all things. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Ken Ham Humans can’t fix this planet—it’s doomed in its current state. And sadly, the majority of people are also doomed, but there’s real hope! …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Sarah Chaffee On this episode of ID the Future we hear part one of an uncommon trio of experts speaking on the mathematical challenges to Darwinian evolution. Stephen Meyer and David Berlinski, both senior fellows of Discovery Institute’s Center for Science and Culture, join David Gelernter, a distinguished Yale mathematician, who recently gave up Darwinism based on their work. The conversation is led by Uncommon Knowledge host Peter Robinson. Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic Download Episode …read more Source: id the future     
A recent study making the news involves the reconstruction of the facial features and anatomy of the enigmatic humans known as the Denisovan from genetic data.1 In the evolutionist’s own words who did the study, “Denisovans are an extinct group of humans.” And the scientists’ research shows exactly that. Denisovan fossils are represented by only a few teeth, a finger bone, a bit of a mandi… More… …read more Source: icr.org     
By Ken Ham We recently introduced yet another unique experience for our Ark Encounter guests. We’ve opened up the large ramp outside the Ark for guests to walk up and take photos, including getting their picture taken in front of the massive door into the Ark. It’s a great experience—with a beautiful view of the Ark grounds and the surrounding countryside. Guests are loving it. I recently visited the Ark and did a Facebook Live video walking up the ramp. I met guests from a variety of states at the top, as well as the Ark Encounter’s resident gospel group, [More]
An insurmountable impediment to evolution. …read more Source: creation.com     
By Ken Ham You may have seen headlines recently with phrases like “lizard-men evolution,” “leftovers from our lizard evolution,” or even “human embryos go through lizard stage.” These headlines were reporting on a study that claims that human embryos (babies in the early stages of development) supposedly have muscles not found in adult humans, but are found in lizards. Therefore, these evolutionists believe this is a throwback to 250 million years ago when we shared a common ancestor with lizards. But what does a world-class anatomist who specialized in embryology have to say about this research? Well, he summed …read [More]
By Ken Ham It’s already beginning to look a lot like Christmas here at the Creation Museum and the Ark Encounter in Northern Kentucky. Our grounds crew at the Creation Museum has been working since August to install the gorgeous lights that will form our breathtaking garden of lights, which gets better each year—as hard as that is to imagine when you’ve seen how spectacular they’ve been. And it’s only a few more weeks (November 29–December 30, 2019) until you can come and enjoy it for yourself during our free ChristmasTown event at the Creation Museum. And that’s just one [More]