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By Günter Bechly Darwinian gradualism predicts biological forms evolving gradually from one to another, but it is widely acknowledged that this is not what the fossil record shows. Darwinists have long suggested that this fossil record pattern of major discontinuities is merely an artifact of the fossil record being incomplete. But on this episode of ID the Future, paleoentomologist Günter Bechly makes the case that recent findings have put the nails in the coffin of this “artifact hypothesis.” He goes on to argue that these findings are “not just a tiny problem but a fatal problem” for modern Darwinism. Your [More]
Abortion involves at least three choices which involve personal preference, the value of human life, and whether to take responsibility for one’s actions. …read more Source: creation.com     
By Dr. David Menton Evolutionists at Flinders University report that a growing number of babies are born without their wisdom teeth and claim this shows that humans are evolving at their fastest rate. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
In 2020, Hungarian zoologists described the hybridization of a Russian sturgeon and American paddlefish.1 Some sources have reported the scientists created a “franken-fish”—as indeed it looks quite bizarre.2 Researchers, however, are calling it the sturddlefish—with sharp fins and an elongated nose.3 A hybrid in zoology is an offspring produced from a cross … More… …read more Source: icr.org     
By Ken Ham Visitors to the Creation Museum and Ark Encounter over the next few weeks will probably notice our hard-working and talented grounds crew busy putting up tens of thousands of Christmas lights to bring our spectacular gardens to life for the Christmas season. We’re so excited to be able to share our gorgeous grounds, a live nativity, Glice skating rink (at the Creation Museum this year), a traditional Christmas carol sing-along, and more with guests during our annual ChristmasTown at the Creation Museum and ChristmasTime at the Ark Encounter events, on select days, November 27, 2020, through December [More]
By Michael Denton On this year 2012 episode of ID the Future from the vault, Australian biochemist Michael Denton discusses various ways the universe is uniquely fit for carbon-based life, and perhaps even human life. Denton argues that when it comes to evidence of fine-tuning in the universe, the more you look, the more you find. Tune in to discover what he has found that has led him to the inference that our world is intelligently designed. Denton is author of the new book The Miracle of the Cell, where he brings his fine-tuning arguments up to date with a [More]
By Dr. Terry Mortenson Examining the immense biblical data for Noah’s flood as an actual, year-long, worldwide, and catastrophic flood about 4,500 years ag …read more Source: AIG Daily     
A helpful new resource introduces Christians to biblical archaeology. …read more Source: creation.com     
A reader asks: if a science fiction depiction of life on other worlds is biblical? …read more Source: creation.com     
Ruffling the feathers of dinosaur evolution. …read more Source: creation.com     
By Ken Ham At the Ark Encounter and Creation Museum, we work hard to ensure every guest has a tremendous visit and is impacted by the message of biblical authority and the gospel. With world-class exhibits, zoos, top-of-the-line playgrounds, daily presentations, beautiful grounds and gardens, theaters, a VR experience (at the Ark), a planetarium (at the museum), and so much more, many guests don’t even realize how much there is to experience at these two attractions until they arrive! Plan on more than one day at each attraction here in Northern Kentucky. We frequently receive feedback from guests who have [More]
How has the alleged evidence for evolution changed in the past 50 years? How has it stayed the same? …read more Source: creation.com     
The preserved carcass of a “prehistoric” cave bear has been discovered in melting permafrost on an Arctic Russian Island.1,2 Reindeer herders discovered the remains of the adult cave bear on Bolshoy (or Great) Lyakhovsky Island, part of the New Siberian Islands off the coast of northern Russia.2 This is the first time that a whole bear carcass with preserved soft tissues has been discovered. Even the bear’s… More… …read more Source: icr.org     
By Brandon Clay What does it mean to vote for a US president, and why should a Christian vote? …read more Source: AIG Daily     
A reader asks for help responding to someone who says, “It was theology, not science, that turned me off to creation.” …read more Source: creation.com     
Long-age icon created in weeks …read more Source: creation.com     
By Tom Hennigan As God’s creatures disappear, Christians have the opportunity to model the Creator’s spirit of wise conservation. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Dr. Jerry Bergman Theories that attempted to harmonize evolution and the Scriptures gave birth to, and perpetuated, a form of scientific racism based on Darwinism. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
What can the famed character Ian Malcolm from Jurassic Park teach us about forensic investigations and historical science? …read more Source: creation.com     
By Scarlett Clay Only the history God has revealed in the book of Genesis makes sense of childbirth: Great pain followed by indescribable joy. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
What is ICR’s vision for the next chapter of creation ministry? Why do mosquitoes attack humans? How did we celebrate the first anniversary of the ICR Discovery Center for Science & Earth History? Was leviathan a legend or a real creature? Discover the answers to these questions and more in the October 2020 issue of Acts & Facts! Full versions of… More… …read more Source: icr.org     
By Michael Denton On this episode of ID the Future, Andrew McDiarmid reads an excerpt from the new book The Miracle of the Cell by Michael Denton. Denton, a biochemist from Perth, Australia, and senior fellow of Discovery Institute’s Center for Science and Culture, introduces the wonders of the cell as “the universal constructor set of life.” The diversity of cells — their variety of form, function, and locomotion — is beyond describing, with some cells almost seeming sentient, even ingenious. As Denton notes, our growing knowledge of the cell’s staggering sophistication has provoked the name “the third infinity.” And [More]
By Ken Ham The Grand Canyon is so much more than an incredibly beautiful attraction, a natural wonder, or a world-renowned geologic marvel—it’s a monument to catastrophe and the truth of God’s Word. Of course, you won’t read that on any of the signs scattered throughout the park. But you can discover the truth about Grand Canyon on a fantastic backpacking trip with our friends at Canyon Ministries of Arizona. They have a passion for helping believers and even skeptics enjoy the great beauty of the Canyon while discovering how it points to the truth of God’s Word, specifically the [More]
By Ken Ham Evolutionists believe anatomically modern humans evolved some 200,000–300,000 years ago. And yet they also believe that “complex technology and cultures” evolved only 50,000 to 65,000 years ago . . . with agriculture only arriving a mere 10,000 years ago. So what were humans doing for those supposed tens of thousands of years? Well, a recent article attempts to answer that question by arguing that, while fossils and DNA show that humans had the brains to do everything we can do today, supposed early humans didn’t develop tools, culture, or any form of complex technology for tens of [More]
By Jason W. Landless The deluge poems of Mesopotamia are soaked in a moral and theological framework that is not just different from Genesis but utterly hostile to it. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Frost Smith What is critical race theory, how is it permeating the church, what does the Bible say about it, and what is the biblical response to racism in the church? …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Dr. Gary Parker We still see God’s creativity unfolding before our very eyes in a different way in the birth of each child. …read more Source: AIG Daily