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By Ken Ham According to the evolutionary worldview, dinosaurs first appear in the Triassic period (with the most well-known dinosaurs not emerging until the Jurassic and Cretaceous), when mammals were few and very small. Now a new study claims they’ve identified the “earliest known mammal,” moving back the “appearance of mammals by about 20 million years.” This study is quite controversial, with many scientists arguing that this tiny, 8-inch creature wasn’t a mammal at all. What do both sides of the Brasilodon quadrangularis debate have wrong? The new study, which looked at cross-sections of the creature’s jaws, discovered that B. [More]
By Troy Lacey What we can learn from the parables of Jesus? …read more Source: AIG Daily     
Does Schwinger effect in graphene prove that something can come from nothing? …read more Source: <a href=https://creation.com/a/16110 target=_blank title="Was something created from nothing?” >creation.com     
Evolutionists recently reported observations about a plant group called the Zygnematophyceae (a class of green algae). They claimed to know more about its evolutionary history. This class of algae has been suggested as the closest evolutionary ancestor of land plants via “algal multicellularity.” Gabriele Meseg-Rutzen of the University of Cologne told PhysOrg, An international… More… …read more Source: icr.org     
Much biblical doctrine and morality is based on its historical sequence. …read more Source: creation.com     
By Stuart Burgess Today’s ID the Future completes a talk by award-winning British engineer Stuart Burgess, who explains how the human ankle and wrist joints offer powerful evidence of engineering genius. Burgess is answering evolutionist Nathan Lents, who has argued that human joints are badly designed and, therefore, evidence against intelligent design and for Darwinian evolution’s blind trial-and-error process. According to Burgess, Lents ignores—and seems to be ignorant of—the many ingeniously engineered features of our joints, leading Lents to make easily refuted claims. For example, Lents says an ankle with fused bones would be a superior design to a healthy [More]
By Stuart Burgess On this ID the Future, Stuart Burgess, one of Britain’s top engineers, explains how the skeletal joints in the human body are masterpieces of intelligent design. He also responds to claims by some evolutionists that human joints are badly designed and supposedly evidence of Darwinian evolution’s blind trial-and-error process. This presentation was taped at the 2022 Westminster Conference on Science and Faith in the greater Philadelphia area, which was jointly sponsored by Discovery Institute’s Center for Science and Culture, and Westminster Theological Seminary. Here in Part 1, Burgess focuses on the ankle joint, showing that it packs [More]
By Ken Ham What is a “creation college”? It’s a post-secondary Christian school that takes a stand on creation, a young earth, and a global flood. We encourage students who are looking to attend a Christian school to choose a “creation college”—why? Many colleges, while claiming to be Christian, are deeply compromised with the world’s ideas, teaching all the same philosophies, just adding some Scripture (often misquoted) to the class. Well, because not all Christian schools are “created equal,” so to speak. Many colleges, while claiming to be Christian, are deeply compromised with the world’s ideas, teaching all the same [More]
By Ken Ham What if science isn’t so scientific? A recent article is one of many that are calling attention to a big problem in the scientific literature: fraud and corrupted research. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
Does Conway’s Game of Life show that complex structures can arise from simple rules? …read more Source: creation.com     
By Ken Ham It’s stunning, technologically advanced, jaw-dropping, touching, and riveting. What is it? It’s the new, greatly expanded Fearfully and Wonderfully Made pro-life exhibit at the Creation Museum in Northern Kentucky. If you’ve seen the previous, smaller exhibit that’s been on display since fall of 2020, you already know what a beautiful and powerful exhibit it was—and now it’s even better! Our new exhibit opened today at the Creation Museum as part of our Palm Plaza upgrade (in the lower level). This new exhibit features twelve lifelike baby models, as the previous exhibit displayed, but our artists have added [More]
‘Superbugs’ are seen by some as evidence of evolution in action but the truth is rather different. …read more Source: creation.com     
By Ken Ham If you’re a homeschool family, we have a Answers Bible Curriculum for Homeschool: This incredible resource is designed to encourage biblical, theological, and gospel literacy in children in K–5th grade. Teaching through the whole Bible in four years (Year 1 and 2 are now available, with Year 3 coming early 2023 and Year 4 in 2024), this curriculum does far more than simply help children know what’s in God’s Word. They’ll see the Scriptures come to life as they study them chronologically, be equipped with apologetics, and discover that Scripture—from Genesis to Revelation—is all about Jesus and [More]
How strong is the evidence that pharaoh ‘Shoshenq I’ of Egyptian archaeology is the biblical Shishak? …read more Source: creation.com     
In 2002, Professor Michel Brunet of the University of Poitiers, France, described a tiny fossil ape skull nicknamed Toumaï as an upright-walking human ancestor.1 This ancient skull and other possibly associated partial bones from Chad belong to the Sahelanthropus kind. Though Brunet enjoyed fame for finally finding a missing link in human evolution, some of his colleagues were and remain convinced that the Toumaï ind… More… …read more Source: icr.org     
By Web Content Team At AiG, we are sometimes asked why we don’t have open comments on our articles. Sometimes people who disagree with us will accuse us of not being able to deal with interaction from critics. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Ken Ham Since the ministry of Answers in Genesis began (back before I had to dye my hair grey to show people I’m getting older!), we’ve had an emphasis on equipping believers with faith-building resources. That’s why we’ve produced resources as diverse as We’ve heard of people using these guides for personal growth, homeschooling, in church libraries, as stocking stuffers or Christmas gifts, or for evangelism. We recently updated all 20 guides with the latest in scientific information, new covers, and full-color images inside—they really are a tremendous resource. And we’re now offering them at just $19.99 for all [More]
By Dr. David W. Boyd, Jr. How did disgusting parasites become part of God’s “very good” creation? …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Jeffrey P. Tomkins Animals that can grow wings in a single generation—only an imaginative Creator could think of that! …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Ken Ham History is important—in fact, it’s vital! Various people have tried to eradicate history through the ages, but if this happens, the younger generations will not understand what has led to their present situation. AiG has embarked on another special project to ensure all generations both understand events in history and the importance of understanding who Jesus is (more on that later). If history is important, how much more so is biblical history? As a young boy, I remember my father battling against the impact of the liberal theology proclaimed by some pastors who had received such teaching [More]
By Liz Abrams Understanding calendars from creation week to today …read more Source: AIG Daily     
Was it a whale that swallowed Jonah? If not, then what? Schoolboy counters common skeptic objection. …read more Source: creation.com     
By Ken Ham Explore days at the Ark Encounter and Creation Museum in N. Kentucky are unlike any other educational program in the US. Students aged 11–18, or 5–10 for Explore Jr., enjoy a day of hands-on science presented from a biblical worldview perspective. Here are some photos from just one of these exciting days: As you can see, children are loving them! This particular program covered zoology (we have a host of other science fields), and students received …read more Source: Ken Ham AIG     
By Richard Weikart Today’s ID the Future spotlights Darwinian racism, past and present. In this first half of a panel discussion at the 2022 Center for Science and Culture Insider’s Briefing, Darwin Day in America author John West introduces the other panel members, teases an upcoming book, Darwin Comes to Africa, and discusses his experience visiting the Museum of Criminal Anthropology in Turin, Italy, where the work of infamous Darwinian criminologist Cesare Lombroso’s racist ideas about evolution and race are on dramatic display. Then historian Richard Weikart, author of Darwinian Racism, debunks the popular media claim that white nationalist racism [More]
Fish never learned to walk. Regardless, an evolutionary paleontologist suggested an undocumented scenario of how fish gradually evolved into four-legged creatures (tetrapods) about 400 million years ago. In evolving the ability to walk, the tetrapod limb had to alter considerably both in structure and in orientation, when compared with the tristichopterid fin. New bones appeared,… More… …read more Source: icr.org     
By Ken Ham On this blog, I write about many, well, ridiculous statements that people make—and I keep thinking, “surely this is the most ridiculous thing I will ever write about,” but I just keep getting proven wrong! And that’s happening again, this time with a statement from Democratic gubernatorial candidate for Georgia, Stacey Abrams. Heartbeats—Manufactured Sounds? During a campaign event, Abrams stated, “There is no such thing as a heartbeat at six weeks. It is a manufactured sound designed to convince people that men have the right …read more Source: Ken Ham AIG     
By Wesley J. Smith Today’s ID the Future brings listeners the second half of a panel discussion at the 2022 Center for Science and Culture Insider’s Briefing. This portion begins with bioethicist and Discovery Institute senior fellow Wesley J. Smith making a surprising argument: His own field, bioethics, is at war with true medical ethics. Specifically, its most prominent figures—hailing from elite universities in the United States and Europe—are dedicated to emptying our medical culture of traditional ethical standards that protect human rights and are guided by a commitment to inherent human dignity. Some leading bioethicists see human beings as [More]