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A sneak preview of the editorial from the soon-to-be-released Creation magazine. Subscribers will be delighted with the magazine’s powerful content and brilliant graphics. …read more Source: creation.com     
By Ken Ham Wow! What an event! 40 Days and 40 Nights of Gospel Music is currently happening at the Ark Encounter (and Wednesdays at the Creation Museum). Guests are flooding in from across the nation (and other countries) to enjoy the world’s largest Christian music festival. From now until September 10, 2022, the Ark will host over 150 artists, performing over 120 concerts (with concerts at the Creation Museum every Wednesday as well!). It’s a phenomenal event! During this event, enjoy music from your favorite gospel music artists and groups (many of whom are award-winning), including, The Isaacs Triumphant [More]
By Ken Ham Back to school is right around the corner—are you ready for your children to return to the home classroom? If you’re a homeschool parent still looking for the last few curriculum items you need for the 2022-2023 school year, consider the following five homeschooling resources from Answers in Genesis designed to help your children grow in their faith: Answers Bible Curriculum for Homeschool. This K–5th grade Bible curriculum teaches through the Bible chronologically, bringing Scripture to life and equipping children with apologetics, emphasizing biblical authority, and teaching them to see the gospel from page one of the [More]
By Brian Miller On today’s ID the Future, host John West sits down with physicist and engineer Brian Miller to pitch him questions submitted at the Dallas Conference on Science and Faith. Is the Bible against the pursuit of knowledge about the natural world, or for it? Are microevolutionary changes in various organisms consistently driven by random mutations and natural selection, or instead, are some made possible by pre-programming in the organism, programming that gives the organism a built-in flexibility to adapt to its environment, within limits? If living systems were deliberately engineered, how good of an engineer was the [More]
By Ken Ham Where did morality come from? How you answer that question will depend on your worldview and on what foundation you base your thinking. And that was powerfully illustrated in a recent ethics piece titled, “What might 100,000 more years of evolution do for the future of morality?” This article specifically focused on sexual ethics (something that doesn’t really seem to exist in secular culture throughout the West anymore!), arguing that, for hundreds of millions of years, creatures just did whatever they wanted until “a mere several thousand years ago,” when human brains invented moral codes to regulate [More]
By Ken Ham The stunning unique carousel at the Ark Encounter is almost completed! This will be an amazing teaching carousel with lots of artwork and signage about the flood account in Genesis and the animal kinds on the ark. Families will love it! I believe it’s going to be extremely popular and another great addition to our family playground area at this world-class Christian themed attraction. <img …read more Source: Ken Ham AIG     
Newspaper reports from the 1860s, recently unearthed, show that Wilberforce really did ask Huxley whether he would prefer an ape/monkey for his grandfather or his grandmother. …read more Source: creation.com     
By Ken Ham Our Fearfully and Wonderfully Made pro-life exhibit opened in September 2020. This temporary exhibit is housed in Legacy Lobby in the Creation Museum, just outside Legacy Hall. Tens of thousands of guests—including many children and young people—have toured this powerful pro-life exhibit. It’s been such an incredible blessing! And we’re so excited to announce the expanded (nearly triple the size!), permanent exhibit will be opening Sunday, October 9, 2022. It will be even more powerful than what is already the most powerful sanctity of life exhibit in the world. We can’t wait for you to see this [More]
Prayer is one of the most neglected privileges we have as believers. …read more Source: creation.com     
By Ken Ham David was a shepherd, psalmist, warrior, king, and man after God’s own heart. One of the most important biblical figures (and one of the most well-known still today), David led a fascinating—and at times heartbreaking—life, a picture of why even the best king falls sinfully short (and that’s why we need King Jesus!). Soon, you can enjoy the account of David brought to life in an exclusive Sight & Sound Theatre online event, David Live on September 2, 2022. Tap your toes as David writes some of his best-known psalms, cheer as he boldly fights Goliath in [More]
By Ken Ham I’m excited to announce an eye-catching new giant fossil exhibit has just opened at the Ark Encounter. This exhibit features two very large, very stunning fossils, along with a custom mural and signage. It’s an extension of our flood geology exhibit on the third deck of the Ark. I think it’s going to be another favorite photo spot for our guests! <img src="https://assets.answersingenesis.org/img/blogs/ken-ham/2022/07/green-river-fossil8.jpg" alt="Green River …read more Source: Ken Ham AIG     
Responding to campaigns to ban so-called ‘conversion therapy’, with evidence from Scripture, science and population statistics. …read more Source: creation.com     
Sneak peak of a rigorous book review from the latest issue of Journal of Creation: How well can Y chromosome genetics be correlated to human history? …read more Source: creation.com     
By Ken Ham The world our children and grandchildren are growing up in is a dark place, where sin is flaunted and celebrated even in the face of little children. We frequently hear from parents looking for safe resources that won’t promote sexual depravity and an LGBTQ lifestyle to their children. Well, one resource I always point them to is our This quarterly magazine is a phenomenal resource for the entire family. The main magazine is a wonderful tool for parents, grandparents, teens, and even middle schoolers. It’s fascinating to read, visually intriguing, and packed with biblical worldview teaching. And [More]
By Troy Lacey Contrary to secular theories of the origin of religion, the evidence shows that cultures around the world were originally monotheistic. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
A review of Darwinian Eugenics and the Holocaust by Jerry Bergman. …read more Source: creation.com     
By Ken Ham With all the depressing things happening in the culture and much of the church, wouldn’t you like to read something that would encourage you and touch your heart in a special way? I have just the item to do that. But first . . . Reaching Our Youth I have been burdened lately concerning the way so many political leaders, school board members, and companies (e.g., Disney) are aggressively promoting an evil, anti-God worldview to the younger generations through schools, books, streaming platforms, other media, libraries, theme parks, etc. In many ways, it’s disheartening to observe what [More]
Thorough instruction and discipline are the hallmark qualities of a strong military training program. Well-trained soldiers can think on their feet, adapt to their environment, and make sound choices for the mission and obstacles they are likely to face. Much like military soldiers, Christians likewise must spiritually train and become equipped to make sound choices in the face of spiritual obstacles—namely, deception. To ill… More… …read more Source: icr.org     
By Ken Ham Put your Bible knowledge to the test with this 10-question Bible-timeline quiz: Which came first: Abraham or the tower of Babel? In what period of Israel’s history did Samson live? Which catastrophic event for God’s people did the prophet Jeremiah predict and lament? Who came first: Joseph (son of Jacob) or Moses? Was the Israelite monarchy divided before, during, or after King Solomon’s reign? In what period of Israel’s history did Elijah live? Which of the four Gospels was written last? Was the event at the Mount of Transfiguration before or after Christ’s resurrection? Which came first: [More]
By Troy Lacey Did Paul fill his letters with opinion? …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Ken Ham Have you considered working at the world’s largest Christian themed attractions, the Ark Encounter and the Creation Museum, but aren’t quite sure what to expect? Well, we’ve recently produced two videos featuring staff members who relocated from Washington state and Texas to work at the Ark Encounter on our grounds team and department of public safety. I encourage you to check these videos out! And we are seeing more applications for children to attend our Christian school, TSChristianacademy.org, as people move here to work at the ministry. In these videos, Jason and Hope share what it’s like [More]
Irenaeus, a leader in the early Christian Church, indicated that the prophets and apostles viewed the doctrine of creation as foundational. …read more Source: creation.com     
By Frost Smith What is the biblical response to complicated medical situations in pregnancy? …read more Source: AIG Daily     
The Bible gives us many different types of genealogies. But how should we interpret them? …read more Source: creation.com     
By Ken Ham The world’s largest Christian music festival is coming to the Ark Encounter—and you can help! But before I get to that, I want to share the excitement of this event south of Cincinnati. 40 Days and 40 Nights of Gospel Music, August 2–September 10, 2022, features over 150 artists performing concerts every single day at the Ark Encounter and each Wednesday at the Creation Museum. Wow—it’s going to be an incredible event! Here are just a few of the award-winning artists coming to this event: The Isaacs Ernie Haase & Signature Sound Karen Peck & New River [More]
By Ken Ham “The good person out of the good treasure of his heart produces good, and the evil person out of his evil treasure produces evil, for out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks” (Luke 6:45). Since the US Supreme Court’s decision to overturn the blood-stained Roe v. Wade decision of 1973, we’ve seen the hatred and murder lurking in people’s hearts come pouring out of their mouths—and sadly this even includes from some “churches” and “pastors.” A recent article highlighted some sickening quotes from church leaders that I believe can be compared to God’s words [More]
By Liz Abrams The book of Daniel contains strong evidence that it was composed around the time the events it describes happened. …read more Source: AIG Daily