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By Ken Ham These beautiful bows remind me of my parents’ teaching of what the Bible says about God’s purpose in giving us the rainbow. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily     
By Creation Moments Today we look back on the European migration to North America as one of the results of a more enlightened age. When we do this, we forget that the American Indians migrated to North and South America from Asia and built their own culture long before the Europeans. If what a Texas Christian University linguist says is true, the Olmec Indians of the American Southwest and Central America may not have been Indians at all. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments     
By Ken Ham For almost 21 years now we’ve been recording a daily radio program called Answers with Ken Ham. This 60-second radio feature (for which we have now accumulated over 5,000 scripts) is fast-paced and very popular—it’s been airing internationally since 1994! We reformatted it in 2012, and the number of confirmed stations has exploded by more than 50 percent in just three years! Answers with Ken Ham is now carried every weekday on nearly 900 stations. I use each short program to show how God’s Word needs to be the foundation for our thinking as we determine how [More]
By Tim Chaffey If the Cross was not required to save sinners, then why did God permit Jesus to face such torture if it wasn’t even necessary? …read more Read more here: AIG Daily     
On August 11, researchers from Södertörn University in Sweden raised an ancient 660-pound ship’s prow from the floor of the Baltic Sea. The 11-foot-long beam features an exquisite dragon carving. Discovery News wrote that Marcus Sandekjer, head of the nearby Blekinge Museum which aided the extraction “believes it looks like a monstrous dog.” It fits in well with other sea-serpent artwork in history. More… …read more Read more here: icr.org     
By Creation Moments The usual theories for the origin of life have the first genetic material assembling itself by chance in a hot setting. Some have suggested that this may have happened in an undersea thermal vent or the side of a volcano. Trying to explain the origin of life without God suffers from many scientific problems. New research has now uncovered yet another problem. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments     
Ken Ham shares more revealing statistics—this time focusing on the state of the 20s generation inside the Church. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily     
By Ken Ham I was at the life-size Noah’s Ark site in Northern Kentucky recently (I went down as soon as I arrived back from Missouri) to do a short promotion video, and here are some photos that were taken while I was there. The Middle Tower (and the East Tower behind it) almost ready for the roof. They have begun construction of the timber sections for the roof and now have the first one in place. Workers have begun construction on the piers for the bow. <img src="https://cdn-assets.answersingenesis.org/img/blogs/ken-ham/2015/08/ark-update-eight-bents-6.jpg" …read more Read more here: Ken Ham AIG     
By Ken Ham In a day and age when the faith of our children is being attacked like never before and at an increasingly younger age—our research for Already Gone found that a large percent of our elementary and middle school students are “already gone” from the church in their minds—many parents are looking for resources to teach their kids to think biblically right from the beginning, to stop those doubts and subsequent unbelief that is so rampant today. Ruth Carter, a writer and presenter of popular children’s workshops here at the Creation Museum, has written two children’s books to [More]
By Multimedia On this episode of ID the Future, Casey Luskin interviews Discovery Institute Center for Science and Culture Fellow Nancy Pearcey. Discussing her new book, Finding Truth: Five Principles for Unmasking Atheism, Secularism, and Other God Substitutes, Pearcey points out the inconsistency of evolutionary materialists who hold that free will is simply an indispensable illusion. Read excerpt from Pearcey’s book about this issue at Evolution News and Views. Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic Download Episode …read more Read more here: id the future     
By Ken Ham “A is for Adam, God made him from dust. He wasn’t a monkey, he looked just like us. Although some scientists don’t think it was so, it was God who was there and He ought to know.” My wife Mally and I wrote those lines in a popular book for young children called A is for Adam, which presents the gospel for kids from the Bible’s beginning—teaching them to base their thinking on God’s Word along the way! And it’s just one of several kids’ books we’ve written together. And we praise the Lord that we’ve heard [More]
By Ken Ham A few days ago, AiG’s audio/visual team had the opportunity to record some footage of the life-size Noah’s Ark construction site from a helicopter. When you see what they have produced, you will be amazed at the size of what is being built. The video begins at the parking area (4,000 car spaces), then goes over the shuttle road, and then to the Ark construction site. This will be one of the greatest Christian attractions in the world and will be opened sometime in 2016. (The exact date will be given later this year). Keep up to [More]
By Multimedia On this episode of ID the Future, Casey Luskin talks with Dr. Cornelius Hunter—a Discovery Institute Fellow, adjust professor, and author—about his website Darwin’s Predictions, which critically examines 22 fundamental predictions of evolutionary theory. In this first podcast of the series, Dr. Hunter discusses why he inspired to pursue this work. Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic Download Episode …read more Read more here: id the future     
By Ken Ham Are you tired of Hollywood producing movies like the blasphemous Noah movie or the terrible A.D. The Bible Continues mini-series that distort or even mock God’s Word? Well, get ready for some entertainment that not only honors God’s Word but also inspires faith and teaches solid apologetics material. Our friends at Creation Today are producing a feature-length documentary based on the first chapter of Genesis—in 3D! And they’ve just released a rough-cut trailer (which means the movie is beginning to look more like the final product) for the movie, which you can see below. This film, titled [More]
By Steve Ham A functional view of the image of God based on evolutionary presuppositions will ultimately have an impact on how one understands sin and salvation. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily     
By Creation Moments Not long ago Creation Moments brought you a news report about NASA’s search for extraterrestrial life and how they are quite sure they’ll find it by the year 2035. The primary way they’re searching for life is by looking for planets and moons with water. Where there’s water, they hope to find life. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments     
On its way to the Museum of the Bible in Washington, D.C., which is being built by Hobby Lobby President Steve Green for $400 million, visitors will find the largest collection of exported Israeli artifacts found on the planet. Slated to open its doors in 2017 after its groundbreaking earlier this year in February, the 430,000-square-foot Museum of the Bible will house Israeli artifacts that include pieces of the Dead Sea Scrolls, tablets from Abraham’s time and biblical papyri. The head of the Israel Antiquities Authority’s (IAA) National Treasures Department, Micky Saban, announced on Wednesday that the antiquities being shipped [More]
By Avery Foley These nauseating and heartless videos highlight something that the pro-life community has been saying for years—abortion murders a baby. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily     
When skeptics criticize our ministry, they rarely engage in a reasoned debate but rather make fact-free assertions and resort to ridicule. …read more Read more here: creation.com     
By Ken Ham During the summer months many families take advantage of the sunshine to go on a vacation. But as they tour around the country, many Christian families are disappointed by the amount of evolutionary indoctrination found at national parks, museums, and other vacation destinations. What if you could view and enjoy some of these same sites without the evolutionary teaching and instead see them through the lens of God’s Word and a biblical worldview? Well, our good friend Eric Hovind at Creation Today told us about a site that will help you do just that. The website, VisitCreation.org, [More]
By Creation Moments Not long ago, a member of our Creation Moments staff went under the surgeon’s knife. Cancerous growths had been discovered through a routine colonoscopy, so to keep the cancer from spreading, the growths and his ascending colon was surgically removed. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments     
By Ken Ham The life-size Noah’s Ark project under construction in Williamstown, Kentucky, will no doubt be a major economic boost for Grant County and the rest of Northern Kentucky—as well as the entire state of Kentucky. The new research Answers in Genesis commissioned earlier this year raised estimates of Ark attendance up to a potential 2.2 million visitors a year. This research was only conducted among the US population—there will, of course, be thousands of visitors from other countries (as we have already seen at our Creation Museum). Based on the number of people surveyed who said they would [More]
By Creation Moments The rainbow eucalyptus tree is undoubtedly the most beautiful tree ever. Its bark looks like it was painted by an artist using a palette full of pastel pigments. Surprisingly, this tree’s coat of many colors actually comes from the way its bark peels off the tree. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments     
Contrary to the tired old mantra, ‘science has disproved the Bible’, biblical literate and scientifically informed Christians can (and should) proclaim creation with well-founded confidence. …read more Read more here: creation.com     
By Frost Smith A recent two-part piece on The BioLogos Forum admits that meshing evolution and the image of God that all humans possess is a “challenging issue.” …read more Read more here: AIG Daily     
By Rich Wendling How hard is it to share the gospel with a Muslim? By observing basic pointers, any believer can begin effectively sharing the good news of his Creator God. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily     
By Creation Moments If I were come out and say that “neo-Darwinism is effectively dead despite its persistence as textbook orthodoxy”, you can be sure that evolutionists would be all over me. If I went on to say that our knowledge of genetics is now sufficient to reject evolution’s slow, gradual selection of small mutational changes, you can bet evolutionists would hurl insults at me, using words I would not be permitted to repeat on this radio station. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments