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By Ken Ham For too long, atheists have been using the courts to impose their religion of atheism on communities in America. Even though the courts in many places have sadly succumbed to this religious group’s intolerance, more and more people are being emboldened to do something about it. The Freedom from Religion Foundation has a vendetta against Christianity, and they have been successful in having Nativity scenes removed from many public places in the nation. Well, one community fought back, and as a result, more Nativity scenes than ever are now on public display in this town. I …read [More]
By Creation Moments Evolutionists were so sure that dinosaur fossils are too old to contain any carbon-14, they never even bothered to check. Or perhaps they were afraid of what they would find. In any case, creationist scientists are now boldly going where evolutionists have feared to tread. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments     
“This sounds great! Includes a video discussing this project as well.”  Admin A Texas-based creation science organization has unveiled plans to build a state-of-the-art museum that will teach youth and adults alike the biblical account of the history of creation. The Institute for Creation Research (ICR) is a Christian group headquartered in Dallas that conducts scientific research and educates people on the Bible’s teachings via a variety of outreaches. This year, after more than four decades of ministry and many years of planning and preparation, ICR announced plans to build a 30,000-square foot creation science museum adjacent to their offices [More]
Who’s to judge what’s right and what’s wrong? Well, according to professed atheist Richard Dawkins, people-not God-should decide. …read more Read more here: creation.com     
By Ken Ham We are always thankful when we hear about Christian colleges and universities that take a firm and public stand on the book of Genesis, refusing to compromise with man’s ideas about the past and our origins. These colleges are sadly far and few between. As I showed in my eye-opening, coauthored book Already Compromised, many Christian universities and colleges don’t think biblically about Genesis. And many are now compromising with gay “marriage” and other social issues. Instead, they’ve allowed man’s ideas about origins to supersede what Genesis says. Instead of trusting the Word of God—the …read more [More]
By Karin Viet Scripture says that Jesus’ birth brought peace on Earth—but what about all the wars, crime, and natural disasters? What kind of peace did Jesus bring? …read more Read more here: AIG Daily     
By Creation Moments In a typical anti-creationist op-ed piece for Scientific American, columnist John Horgan begins by explaining why he titled his column: “Pssst! Don’t tell the creationists, but scientists don’t have a clue how life began.” read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments     
By Ken Ham Now, for a school paper, she had to choose a hero to write about. Below you can read her essay; because I thought it was very sweet, I wanted to share it with you. Over the years, I’ve had many children say that the AiG speakers are their heroes and heroines. At first I was uneasy about these kind words, as we all have feet of clay and we are just fallible human beings like anyone else. But then I realized that I would rather these children look up to Bible-believing Christian leaders than to pagan film [More]
By David B. Smith What if you could go back in time to visit one of the first settlements after Babel? …read more Read more here: AIG Daily     
By Multimedia On this episode of ID the Future, Casey Luskin discusses the taxonomy of information, explaining various ways of defining information and whether or not they are helpful for making a design inference. He examines syntactic information, Shannon information and Kolmogorov information. Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic Download Episode …read more Read more here: id the future     
By Ken Ham Answers in Genesis is providing an opportunity for your family not only to renew your physical bodies, but to be spiritually renewed at the Ark and museum. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily     
If you want to broaden your field of view, take a look from another perspective. …read more Read more here: creation.com     
By Ken Ham Did God hear President Obama when he said “God bless you, and may God bless the United States of America” in his speech? …read more Read more here: AIG Daily     
By Multimedia On this episode of ID The Future, Casey Luskin interviews Dr. Thomas Woodward, founder and director of the C.S. Lewis Society, about his book The Mysterious Epigenome: What Lies Beyond DNA and the new discoveries in biology that affect our understanding of the genome. Woodward explains how epigenetics is bringing about a revolution in biology. Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic Download Episode …read more Read more here: id the future     
By Ken Ham My letter to you this month is an account of God’s providence and miraculous intervention. It’s absolutely amazing as you look back on AiG’s history. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily     
By Ken Ham The result is a conflict between those who believe God’s Word and those who start with man’s word. As a biblical authority ministry, Answers in Genesis is on the front lines of calling people back to the authority of God’s Word so they can effectively share the gospel. And it’s the gospel and God’s Word that will change hearts and lives and, eventually if God permits, change the culture. Well, Bryan Osborne, a speaker here at AiG, worked in the public school system for 13 years before joining us. He had some thoughts to share on the [More]
If naturalistic evolution is true, then a Creator God is redundant, as the horse and tractor analogy shows. …read more Read more here: creation.com     
By Creation Moments “I think that evolution is absolutely the death knell of Christianity.” No, those aren’t my words. These words were spoken by atheist Frank Zindler, and they make it very clear what the origins debate is really all about. It is nothing less than the front line in the battle between two incompatible faiths. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments     
By Ken Ham Well, we have a new resource from Pastor Jeff Davenport (a pastor of a local church in Northern Kentucky where a number of AiG staff attend), foreworded by myself, that will help you do just that! God Is Really Really Real contains 30 core Christian doctrines in an easy-to-teach format. This book is great for younger children with more in-depth material available for older children. God Is Really Really Real is divided into three sections—an illustrated rhyming children’s book that walks through the Bible, a section on 30 core Christian doctrines, and information for parents. Each doctrine [More]
How important is Genesis for the Gospel? …read more Read more here: creation.com     
By Creation Moments When a very bizarre animal was first discovered in the Burgess shale of the Canadian Rocky Mountains, scientists literally couldn’t tell its head from its tail. In fact, when they reconstructed the worm-like creature, they got it totally wrong. They assembled it upside down and put its head where its tail should be. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments     
By Ken Ham Since the Ark Encounter opens in the summer, we had to come up with a creative way of assisting as many people as possible to visit this world-class attraction. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily     
By Creation Moments You’ve heard of flying squirrels and flying fish, but did you know there’s also a squid that can fly? Even more surprising is that it accomplishes this amazing feat using jet-propulsion! Yes, though they were once only rumors, we now know that a certain kind of squid can emerge from the water and streak through the air at speeds up to 25 miles per hour. A team of Japanese marine biologists have actually photographed Japanese flying squid doing just that in groups. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments     
By Ken Ham Bob Jones University is one of the universities featured on our special Creation Colleges website. Few Christian universities today take a solid, uncompromising stand on Genesis. Instead of upholding the Word of God, most Christian universities undermine the authority of God’s Word and the gospel itself. Parents send their kids to Christian universities hoping that their faith will be strengthened, but instead many young people return home with doubts and questions because their university undermined God’s Word and tore down their faith instead of building it up. But there are some Christian colleges (sadly, only a minority—but [More]
Not original to Darwin but the revival of an ancient idea. …read more Read more here: creation.com     
By Creation Moments Behold the amazing cuatro ojos – the four-eyed fish! At first glance, you would say it has just two eyes. But look closer and you’ll see that each eye is divided into two separate eyes! read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments     
By Ken Ham Every year Ci hosts amazing summer camps (often held close to the Creation Museum) that combine biblical apologetics with STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) training. Young people (grades 7–12) grow in their knowledge of science while they learn more about God’s Word and a biblical worldview. The camp includes a trip to the Creation Museum and informative lectures from AiG scientists. We have a great relationship with Ci and are always so excited to have them come back to tour the museum every year. This camp is a tremendous opportunity for science-minded students in grades 7 [More]