By Sarah Chaffee On this episode of ID the Future, enjoy an excerpt from Discovery Institute’s documentary Revolutionary. It’s been more than a decade since the judge handed down his decision in the Dover intelligent design trial. At the time the mainstream media told the world one story about the trial. Now Revolutionary tells the rest of the story – recounting Behe’s defense of the bacterial flagellum as an example of irreducible complexity, and criticisms of Judge Jones’ decision. Watch Revolutionary now, available for free online at Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or
By Sarah Chaffee On this episode of ID the Future, hear a clip from the ID film Revolutionary, and join Ray Bohlin and Michael Behe as they discuss how German paleo-entomologist Günter Bechly became convinced of intelligent design, and the lessons to glean from Bechly’s dramatic story. In the time since this documentary was filmed and this podcast recorded, Bechly was forced to resign from his position as curator at the prestigious State Museum of Natural History in Stuttgart, Germany. And now this month, his English language Wikipedia page has disappeared. Bechly, meanwhile, is standing by his convictions. Revolutionary the
By Dr. David Menton Interpretation of the Hebrew word yom in Genesis 1–2 has become one of the most contested issues among professing Christians and Jews. …read more Source: AIG Daily
By Sarah Chaffee On this episode of ID the Future, listen to a lecture given by David Snoke at a conference sponsored by the Christian Scientific Society. Dr. Snoke, professor of physics and astronomy at the University of Pittsburg, answers the question is information a physical entity?, and discusses the nature of information processing systems. Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic Download Episode …read more Source: id the future
By Creation Moments Numerous television programs have been made about the Komodo dragon and the creatures are even going on display at some zoos. Reaching up to 400 pounds, they can even outrun a man. And they eat anything that they find dead or alive. Even a simple bite from a dragon will prove fatal within 72 hours unless you get immediate treatment. read more …read more Source: Creation Moments
By Ken Ham Bill Nye, popularly known for his Bill Nye the Science Guy kids’ TV show, recently wrote a new book titled Everything All at Once, which gives guidelines on how to “unleash your inner nerd, tap into radical curiosity, and solve any problem.” In a small part of his book, Nye calls out Order your “Best of British Bible and Science Conference” DVD set today! One such resource that will inspire your young person in STEM learning is our brand-new “Best of British Bible and Science Conference” DVD set. Earlier this year we hosted a unique conference here
By Creation Moments In 2 Peter 2:5, the apostle remarks, almost parenthetically, that “[God] did not spare the ancient world, but preserved Noah, a herald of righteousness, with seven others, when he brought a flood upon the world of the ungodly.” Noah was a herald of righteousness—someone proclaiming the Good News! read more …read more Source: Creation Moments
By Ken Ham Famed UK evolutionist Richard Dawkins recently appeared in an interesting video posted to the website Big Think. In this video, the atheist and biologist argues for objective truth and the importance of both intuition and evidence. Now, we don’t say this very often, but we actually agree with some of the points that Richard Dawkins makes in this video! He says, “Science . . . is committed to objective truth” and “science works.” He gives several examples such as building airplanes or landing probes on comets to show that science, in particular, achieves what we want it
Does creation harm Christianity and reject science? Illogic and naïve views of science, and how Jesus affirmed Genesis. …read more Source:
By kpennock On this episode of ID the Future, Zombie Science author Jonathan Wells talks about his multifaceted, impressive and, at times, quirky educational history. Dr. Wells started as an undergrad geology major at Princeton and later moved to Berkeley to finish his undergraduate work. He was arrested as a conscientious objector and saw the ugly side of the anti-war movement. Disgusted, he moved to the remote mountains and there discovered evidence of intelligent design. After snagging a Ph.D. in theology from Yale, he returned Berkeley for his second Ph.D., this one in embryology. It was in studying embryos that
By Creation Moments Wood will get waterlogged, if it is left in water for too long. And yet wood has often been used throughout history to build boats and ships. For example, the city of Pensacola, Florida, was, in many ways, the birthplace of the US Navy, because of the deep harbor, and the abundance of live oaks, from which to build ships. To prevent water-logging, the wood must be treated, to make it waterproof. read more …read more Source: Creation Moments
By Ken Ham It’s only October, but we’re already in full planning mode for Christmas here at the ChristmasTime will be a very different experience from ChristmasTown 45 minutes away (which features a gorgeous garden of lights, a live nativity, and much more), so you’ll want to visit both. ChristmasTime at the Ark will feature thousands of lights, fireside concerts, fair trade shopping, delicious food options (such as a special holiday buffet in Emzara’s Restaurant, smoked brisket, and gourmet hot dogs), goats in sweaters, camel and donkey rides, and lots more. The main attraction—making it truly unique from any Christmas
By Creation Moments Outer space has a temperature. It has become common to think of space as a vacuum, that has nothing in it, which means it would be at absolute zero temperature. In fact, space is nearly a vacuum, but not quite. And the particles in that near vacuum are in motion, so they have a temperature of 2.73K—the equivalent of 2.73 Celsius degrees above Absolute Zero. read more …read more Source: Creation Moments
By Scot Chadwick What can you do to advance the gospel of life and light through Jesus Christ if your neighbors stop by your house this Halloween? …read more Source: AIG Daily
By Creation Moments Many secular cosmologists believe that the universe came into existence in a singularity, as a result of a quantum event about 14.7 billion years ago. However, this so-called Big Bang theory is not without its problems. Principle among these is the Horizon Problem, which refers to the fact that Big Bangers cannot account for the Cosmic Microwave Background being the same temperature in all directions. read more …read more Source: Creation Moments
By Ken Ham In the 1990s, Bill Nye “the Science Guy,” was a popular TV science educator who taught many kids to love science and to understand various aspects of observational science. But he’s certainly not that perceived kid-friendly personality anymore, and I now encourage you to keep your children far away from his material, particularly his new Netflix show and upcoming documentary. Exactly the Right Message? In Nye’s TV-14 rated Netflix show, Bill Nye Saves the World, which has reportedly been renewed for a second season, he shows his true colors: not as a wholesome, kid-friendly guy, but as
How reading the Bible turned around a young scientist’s thinking. …read more Source:
By Creation Moments C.S. Lewis suggested that those who deny the supernatural can still believe in a god of sorts. He said: read more …read more Source: Creation Moments
By Sarah Chaffee On this episode of ID the Future, listen to Michael Denton read an excerpt of his new volume, The Wonder of Water. In the book, Denton delves into this grand untold story and explores how water is specially equipped to allow life to flourish on our blue planet. This ever-present substance is amazingly fit in a myriad of ways to sustain life on earth, especially human life. Its unique properties allow it to fill many roles throughout the biological world, from forming the matrix of our cells, to regulating the temperature of our planet. Your browser does
By Avery Foley Is the collective body of knowledge and the methodology we call “science” teetering on the precipice of extinction or, worse, about to be pushed off? …read more Source: AIG Daily
By Dr. David Menton The Scopes trial pitted William Jennings Bryan against Clarence Darrow in a confrontation over the teaching of evolution and creation in the public schools. …read more Source: AIG Daily
What you believe about Genesis impacts both faith and science. In this series, ICR physicist Dr. Jake Hebert unravels the mysteries of the Ice Age, hermeneutics, geological dating methods, and more. How should Christians respond to old-earth arguments? Can we view scientific research through the lens of Scripture? And how should we to respond to those who compromise the first book of the Bible? More… …read more Source:
By Creation Moments Americans lead the industrialized world in belief in creationism and a literal Bible. A recent study by a University of Cincinnati researcher, compares American’s belief in a recent creation and the truth of the Bible with beliefs in other countries. The study found that 45 percent of Americans believe that God created the world less than 10,000 years ago. Another 40 percent try to mix God and evolution. read more …read more Source: Creation Moments
A new book helps Christians to tackle a controversial topic. …read more Source:
By kpennock On this episode of ID the Future, Ray Bohlin interviews physician Howard Glicksman about hemoglobin and the body’s need to have enough of it to transport sufficient oxygen to the tissues. Finely-tuned and exquisitely engineered, this system gave our ancestors enough oxygen to not only stay alive but thrive in the face of hostile challenges. Dr. Glicksman is author of an extended series of posts at Evolution News & Science Today, “The Designed Body.” Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic Download Episode …read more Source: id the
By Simon Turpin The belief in Sola Scriptura, that Scripture is the supreme and final authority in all things, was once held with conviction by Protestant Christians. …read more Source: AIG Daily
Eyewitness testimony from native peoples leaves no doubt that they lived with creatures which today we know as dinosaurs. …read more Source: