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By Dr. Danny R. Faulkner Some flat-earthers have appealed to the Book of Enoch to support their argument that the Bible teaches that the earth is flat. Does the Book of Enoch teach that the earth is flat? Let us examine some of its passages that supposedly do. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Creation Moments One of the fundamental lessons we learn from Scripture is that there is only one God. There are, however, a lot of false gods. In biblical times, these would often have been idols of wood, stone, or metal. But there are idols all around us today which demand our worship. These could be anything that people have put in the place of God. read more …read more Source: Creation Moments     
By Ken Ham Easter Sunday, a day set aside to celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, is an excellent time to help children understand the significance of this historical event. That’s why we’re offering free Easter lessons for Pre-K through Grade 8 from our popular Answers Bible Curriculum. Easter Sunday, a day specifically set aside to celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ (on April 1 this year), is an excellent time to help children understand the significance of this historical event. That’s why we’re offering free Easter lessons for Pre-K through Grade 8 from our popular Answers Bible Curriculum (ABC). [More]
By Troy Lacey In a recent article in Iraq magazine (an archaeology journal published by Cambridge University), the author, Dr. Ali Yaseen Al-Juboori, looked at a number of inscriptions and artifacts from digs conducted in Nineveh, some from 1987–1992 that have yet to be published. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Creation Moments The Ark was made of wood, so it had to be waterproofed. The most suitable type of waterproofing would be a hydrophobic substance, such as oil or grease. So it was coated inside and out with pitch. But what actually is pitch? In modern parlance, this refers to an oil fraction. But here some people raise a problem. If pitch is an oil fraction, then do we not assume that oil was produced during the Flood? read more …read more Source: Creation Moments     
By Israel Wayne We must teach our children how to deal with the subtle thinking of this world that wars against our faith. Knowing your child involves far more than lecturing on what to believe. It mandates conversation and asking questions.It requires the Deuteronomy 6 method of discussing God’s Word, day and night. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
Richard Dawkins wants to eat lab-grown human meat. Why? …read more Source: creation.com     
By Creation Moments Imagine that the tide went out much farther than it had ever done before. Imagine that you lived in a world full of evil, but this day it seemed like something big was about to happen. One man and his family had been building an enormous vessel while warning people of the coming judgment of God. You had joined in the laughter with everyone else. read more …read more Source: Creation Moments     
By Ken Ham I am excited to announce that this coming November I will be speaking at the Contending for Creation conference, hosted by our sister organization AiG–UK, in the Republic of Ireland. The apologetics conference will take place at Athlone Springs Hotel in County Westmeath, November 2–3, 2018. Today is St. Patrick’s Day, a day many people celebrate all things Irish (or at least what has become associated with the Irish). I thought it would be the perfect day to announce our upcoming conference in Ireland! This coming November 2–3, I will be speaking at the Contending for Creation [More]
Best-selling author Dan Brown sets his sights on attacking creation-and gives creation.com a mention. …read more Source: creation.com     
Mosaic from a house of worship in Israel shows that early Christians believed in the deity of Christ long before Constantine and Nicaea. …read more Source: creation.com     
By Creation Moments Genesis 1:1 is pretty cool. It tells us that God made the world, the universe, and everything from nothing. It is a verse that gives the lie to all the great philosophies of the modern age. Yet, if I had to choose what I thought was the most beautiful verse in Genesis, that first verse would be close, but not the one. read more …read more Source: Creation Moments     
By Ken Ham You never know who you might meet while you’re visiting either of our two world-class attractions in Northern Kentucky. Visitors from all over the world come to the Creation Museum and the Ark Encounter, including six men who recently came from the Faroe Islands (a part of Denmark between Norway and Iceland). These Danish Christian leaders were on their way to Los Angeles, California, to attend the Shepherds’ Conference, sponsored by Grace to You. These Danish Christian leaders visited the Creation Museum while on their way to attend the …read more Source: Ken Ham AIG     
By Creation Moments One leading left-wing UK newspaper headlined a report on Hurricane Harvey with these words: “It’s a fact: climate change made Hurricane Harvey more deadly.” read more …read more Source: Creation Moments     
By Courtney Reissig Few things get people more up in arms than when we talk about gender and God’s design for women. Even those within the Christian community bring a lot of baggage to how we view manhood and womanhood according to the Bible’s creation account. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Sarah Chaffee Dr. Howard Glicksman, author of an extended series at Evolution News on “The Designed Body,” is interviewed today by Ray Bohlin on glucose, glycogen, glucogon, insulin — all part of an extended multi-step series essential for life — an irreducibly complex series. “If students only knew how life worked,” says Dr. Glicksman,” … they’d quickly come to realize that when it comes to figuring out where it all came from, common sense tells us it was intelligent design, and it’s the Darwinists who are suffering from an illusion.” Your browser does not support playing Audio, please …read [More]
By Ken Ham As we have documented with research published in books like Already Gone and Ready To Return, compromise on Genesis (particularly with Christians who add millions of years into the Bible) has had a devastating impact on how this generation views the Bible. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Ken Ham Did you know that all around the world there are over 300 different legends that testify to the exact same historical event? Though each story is somewhat different in varying ways, the basic memory of the event is the same, and even some of the minor details are the same. Even better, we have the original, inerrant source to compare these various stories to. Have you figured out which historical event I’m referring to yet? I’m referring to the global Flood of Noah’s day. The memory of this event lives on in cultures around the world, but [More]
By Sarah Chaffee On this episode of ID the Future, we hear from two contributors to the new Crossway anthology, Theistic Evolution: A Scientific, Philosophical, and Theological Critique, Molecular biologist Douglas Axe and philosopher of science Stephen Meyer explain how Carbon Valley Trumps Silicon Valley, and shouts intelligent design. They compare some of today’s technological marvels to living technology, and show how even “simple cells” far exceed even the best silicon valley has to offer. Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic Download Episode …read more Source: id the future [More]
By Ken Ham We recently released a brand-new resource by AiG VP Dale Mason, The 10 Minute Bible Journey. This excellent book gives you the big picture of Scripture in just 52 quick reads. By putting the events in Scripture chronologically, it really helps the Bible make more sense and gives you a historical framework to anchor the other events in Scripture around. And now this excellent resource is available as an audiobook read by the author and his wife! Dale said, I decided to record the book the same way I would read it to my family, with lots [More]
By Sarah Chaffee On this episode of ID the Future, Dr. Donald E. Johnson shares about his journey from evolutionist to Darwin-skeptic and proponent of intelligent design. What stands in the way of many scientists accepting ID? Johnson explains the difficulty he faced as the logic of the design argument compelled him to take a more critical look at Darwin’s theory. Donald E. Johnson, who holds two Ph.D.s, one Ph.D. in Computer & Information Sciences from the University of Minnesota and another Ph.D. in Chemistry from Michigan State University, is the author of the pro-ID book, Probability’s Nature and Nature’s [More]
By Creation Moments The Scripture tells us that “God made the expanse and separated the waters that were under the expanse from the waters that were above the expanse”. The word translated as “expanse”, or, in some versions, as “firmament”, is raqia. This word is related to the concept of stretching out, rather like metal being beaten with a hammer. As such, it refers to the entire universe and not just to the atmosphere. read more …read more Source: Creation Moments     
By Ken Ham The Presbyterian Church (USA), a very liberal denomination that already allows for same-sex weddings, is updating their Book of Common Worship, a voluntary worship resource, to feature “inclusive language” for weddings. One of the coeditors of this updated book says this change in liturgy is a direct response to the church allowing for same-sex weddings. The PC(USA) says, A revised marriage service features inclusive language and a flexible format, making the service useful for all sorts of couples and family configurations. Those who want to renew their vows will find a service that is adaptable for a [More]
By Ken Ham This op-ed by AiG president Ken Ham was printed today by Oklahoma’s leading newspaper, The Oklahoman. The column comes in the wake of the talks he and Dr. Georgia Purdom of AiG gave on Monday at the University of Central Oklahoma. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Creation Moments The Cassini-Huygens Mission, which ended in 2017, was, by any stretch of the imagination, a remarkable human achievement. Launched on October 15, 1997, the craft was active for nearly 20 years before its final descent into the oblivion of Saturn’s gravity on September 15, 2017. read more …read more Source: Creation Moments     
By Ken Ham Nature documentaries can be awe-inspiring—seeing the diversity and grandeur of creation often causes our jaws to drop and our minds to spin a bit. But then there’s always the obligatory nod to evolution or the praise of “Mother Nature.” Well, I’m excited to tell you about an upcoming high-quality, God-honoring nature documentary, Biologist Dr. Gordon Wilson takes you on an epic journey through creation, starting in his own backyard, traveling down the western coast of North America, into the Sonoran Desert in Arizona, and then around the world to Sri Lanka. You’ll be blown away by his [More]
An author holds up James Hutton as the father of modern geology who freed science from religious orthodoxy, but do the ‘facts’ fit the ‘story’?? …read more Source: creation.com