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On a rooftop in Cairo recently, I sat down with Dick Brogden to learn more about how God is at work in the Middle East. Dick oversees workers in many countries in the region and has unique insights into the miraculous, history-shaping wave of ministry happening there now. Dick has witnessed persecution on many fronts and has helped our persecuted family members stand strong against intense opposition. He noted that workers will continue to be killed for this “glorious thread” of redemption. In the video below, Dick shares that “men and women are coming to Jesus all across the Arab [More]
A series of surveys about the church and divorce reveals what may be a weak spot in churches’ ministry to married couples.The study by Lifeway Research, sponsored by Focus on the Family, surveyed Protestant pastors, churchgoing Americans in healthy marriages, and churchgoing Americans who divorced in the past five years. Read More: Are churchgoers unaware of marriage resources?
When you pray, do you have a vague feeling that something is lacking … that there isn’t any power in your prayers? Do you struggle with doubt or fear, or simply lack confidence that God even hears you at all? I used to have feelings like this and would think, “Maybe I didn’t say the right thing, or pray long enough, or my words weren’t eloquent enough.” It was so frustrating because I didn’t want to waste time, wondering if it was doing any good. After I pray, I want to know that God is working and my prayers make [More]
A new index aims to show consumers the faith-compatibility of various brands. The Faith Equality Index comes from the organization Faith Driven Consumer. FDC founder Chris Stone explains the rankings show with brands are “compatible” or “least compatible” with consumers of faith. Brands are given a rating from one, the lowest, to a perfect score of 100. Read More: Do your dollars flow to a faith-friendly company?
America’s best-known evangelist says the American church should prepare for persecution. In an article in Decision Magazine, Billy Graham warns that the immunity to persecution that Christians in our country have enjoyed over the last few centuries is unusual. Graham says there is no scriptural foundation for a belief that we can forever escape being persecuted for Christ’s sake. In fact, Christ strongly warns his followers that becoming His disciple would not be a popular decision. Read More: Billy Graham: US Church Should Brace for Persecution – US – CBN News – Christian News 24-7 – CBN.com
Christians worldwide will be observing the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church today, 11/01/15, by joining together to intercede for those who daily suffer for their faith in Jesus Christ. “Religious freedom is a fundamental human right,” states a video produced by the World Evangelical Alliance. “In spite of this, religious freedom is fast declining around the world.” Statistics show that 80 percent of global persecution is directed against Christians as over 100 million believers face persecution each day.“In countries like Eritrea, Iran and Sudan, countless Christians languish in prison for their faith,” the organization outlines. “In Pakistan, [More]
Like everyone, I have experienced many answers to prayer. As the axiom goes, “Some were answered ‘yes,’ some ‘no’ and some ‘not now.’” But I have learned that there are some prayers God can’t resist. Some prayers He answers with alacrity. Some prayers seem to spur God to act. Here are seven such prayers: Read More: 7 prayers God will always answer | Guideposts
“It’s sad to see a large percentage of Americans have a profound ignorance about Islam and it’s beliefs.”  Admin A new poll on Islam reveals that Protestant pastors are increasingly polarized about the religion, while an even larger chasm divides them from the American public. In surveying 1,000 Protestant pastors, LifeWay Research found that more than eight out of ten indicate a fundamental difference between Islam and Christianity — findings that are not much different from those revealed five years ago. Scott McConnell, vice president of LifeWay Research, explains that while more than half of the pastors surveyed increasingly say [More]
“Excellent advice on how to be B.R.A.V.E. in all circumstances.”  Admin This morning while getting ready for church, our oldest daughter, Abby, called to say she was having car troubles…again. Her little red VW Bug, which is now 15 years old, has seen better days. Over the years, we’ve invested thousands of dollars in the little red half circle of fun, as she calls it, and now we’re facing probably another $700 in repairs. To top it off, my car started making this whistling noise last week and then an odd clicking sound. A trip to our mechanic revealed that [More]
“Great tips on praying!”  Admin I recently saw a sign that said, “When life gives you more than you can stand, kneel.” I like that, don’t you? Prayer should be our first instinct, not our last resort, because prayer changes things. You know, as important as prayer is in a believer’s life, you’d think it would be instinctive, but that’s not always the case. When I minister to people around the altar, I often have Christians tell me that they don’t know how to pray. So, I thought I’d share four “prayer pointers” that will help in case you also [More]
The Islamic Revolution in Iran in 1979 promised great things for the Iranian people. The mullahs that took over the nation promised an Islamic paradise on earth. More than 35 years later, Iran’s people have lost hope in their government, and in the religion it upholds. Dr. Hormoz Shariat speaks daily to millions of Iranians through satellite television. He shares the hope of Jesus with a nation that has lost hope in their Islamic government, and he sees great waves of people who have rejected Islam now embracing Jesus, the Savior. This week on VOM Radio, Pastor Hormoz shares exciting [More]
Several years ago, I was working at an Illinois grocery store on a particularly cold and snowy day in February where everyone was asking the baggers to load their groceries in their car. As I waited for customers, I protected myself from the cold by standing inside a small heated alcove. The automatic door to the alcove was broken and I had to push it open by hand. As I exited, the door slammed shut on my finger. I barely noticed the pain at first, but after a while, the glove I was wearing became soaked in blood. Though it [More]
“I don’t have it in me,” I whispered to God yesterday. Several friends had shared happy news about successes, achievements and blessings. I longed to celebrate with them. But in my secret heart, the contrast with my own recent loss and pain kindled an ugly temptation to self-pity. I could keep my voice bright and fake it. I could keep my voice bright and fake it. I could say the appropriate things. But I wanted to coax my heart to match, to find sincere joy for my friends. How does a man who is out of work celebrate when his [More]
Those who come to Christ in Sri Lanka—especially in rural areas—face challenges and trials from Buddhist or Hindu family members or village leaders. Sometimes the challenges are extreme: church buildings torn down, Christians beaten and even martyred for their faith.Yet God is at work: even with persecution the church in Sri Lanka is growing. Rev. Godfrey Yogarajah, the leader of the National Christian Evangelical Alliance of Sri Lanka, is in a unique position to tell us about both the exciting growth in the Sri Lankan church and the persecution that our brothers and sisters there are facing, and how they [More]
“What a great story!”  Admin An ISIS militant, who had pretended to be a refugee in order to kill people, converted to Christianity after seeing the “love of Christians” at the camps, according to Christian Aid Mission. An ISIS fighter from northern Syria, veiled as a refugee, arrived at a Jordanian camp with the intention of killing Christian workers, but he abandoned his plans after hearing the Gospel and “witnessing the love of Christians.” “He first saw how Islam brainwashed him about Christianity, and how that contrasted with the reality of what he saw in the Christians,” the ministry director [More]
When he was a child, Jonathan Cahn called himself an atheist because he saw no evidence the God of Israel was “moving in his life.” But as an adult, he’s an evangelist who can recount spellbinding incidents where the God of the Bible seemingly displayed His power, leading even priests and priestesses of pagan cults to become believers in Jesus. The incredible stories are told in the new documentary “The Harbinger Man,” which explores the life and teachings of the man many are calling “America’s Prophet.” Cahn has found himself at the center of what believers would call deeply significant [More]
Here are some great FREE ebooks from Guideposts that you will find inspirational and encouraging. Some titles include: A Prayer for Every Need Angel Sightings: 7 Inspirational Stories About Everyday Angels on Earth Daily Devotions: 7 Days of Bible Devotions to Strengthen Your Faith Messages from the Hereafter: 5 Inspiring Stories Offering Proof of the Afterlife Mornings with Jesus: 31 Daily Devotions to Bring You Closer to Christ ….. and more!   Click the link below to get them. Get Ebooks: Spirit Lifters | Guideposts
The people of Central Asia are caught between their Islamic culture and the authoritarian remnants of 70 years of communist domination. Statistically, many of the region’s people have a zero-percent probability of meeting a follower of Christ or hearing the gospel message of Jesus’ love. “Brother Harold” has served more than a decade building relationships and planting gospel seeds among Muslim people in Central Asia. This week on VOM Radio he shares about the persecution Central Asian Christians face, some of his challenges and God’s victories during 15 years of ministry, and thoughts on how Christians in the United States [More]
Nearly half of atheists, agnostics, and those with no religious preference in the U.S. see evidence in the universe for a creator, according to just-released polling data from a major research organization. LifeWay Research is a Nashville-based polling group that frequently surveys Americans on matters of faith and culture. The group’s latest report, “American Views on Reasons to Believe in a Creator,” shows surprising insights on the number of people who believe in a creator. According to the study, 72% of all Americans think that because the universe has organization, there is a creator who designed it. Over half of [More]
The large gulf in theology between Scottish Presbyterians is becoming ever clearer. The issues are coming to a head after a debate between Rev David Robertson, the Moderator of the Free Church of Scotland, and Rev Scott McKenna, a Church of Scotland Minister. Robertson who’s an outspoken advocate of reformed evangelicalism, and McKenna whose church website describes his theology as “rational, progressive” epitomise the split which, while it has been evident for many years, seems to be deepening. First, a little explainer for those not familiar which the church scene in Scotland. During the Reformation, under the leadership of John [More]
Recently VOM’s primary media spokesperson, Todd Nettleton, recorded a radio interview with Martha Manikas-Foster of Family Life Radio about what Christians in the Middle East are facing, and why so many are willing to risk death in order to flee to western Europe or someplace else considered “safe” for them. The resulting report aired earlier this week, and was also posted on the Family Life web site. Here is a portion of it. Click on the link at the bottom to listen to the full radio report. Millions of people. On foot, in boats, crossing borders, crossing the sea. Every [More]
In an age in which Lucifer statues are being erected, and the Ten Commandments are being torn down, it is useful to consider why the Founders believed that religion was necessary for a free society as an “anchor of the soul,” as I call it in my new book, “Liberty’s Secrets: The Lost Wisdom of America’s Founders”: As a young man, [John] Adams asked the same question most human beings have asked in one form or another: What is the meaning of life? His answer placed the divine at the center of it: “What is the proper business of mankind [More]
Muslim women face oppression in society and even in their own families, sometimes forced to hide even their very faces from the world. JoAnn Doyle leads an outreach to share the truth with Muslim women that they are Not Forgotten, that Jesus Christ loved them so much He even gave His life for them. Listen in as JoAnn shares how we can reach out to Muslim women, even through simple acts of kindness and conversation, and even right here in the United States. We’ll also answer a question from a reader about how Christians inside the world’s most closed nation—North [More]
“Most Christians are unaware of the sacrifices Tyndale and others made to get the Bible into the English language. Let us make sure their sacrifices were not in vain … read your Bible daily.”  Admin If you read the Bible in English, you owe a debt of gratitude to William Tyndale. Today marks the anniversary of Tyndale’s execution at the stake for the “crime” of translating the Bible into English: The “father of the English Bible” was apparently born in a hamlet near the Welsh border about 1490. He arrived at Oxford with a gift for languages and began studying [More]
Many Americans no longer regard Christian persecution and diminishing religious freedom as problems that only exist beyond the borders of the United States. Heightened fears in recent years have been monitored by the Barna Group, which recently published a study that highlights how the political climate and justice system in America have given citizens reason to question whether they are still safe to live out their faith. “Kim Davis, the elected clerk who recently made national headlines over her refusal to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples, has become just the latest figure in the debate over same-sex marriage and [More]
“Interesting look at America’s Christian religious history.”  Admin He entered Yale College at age 13 and graduated with honors. He became a pastor, and his sermon, “Sinners in the Hands of An Angry God,” started the Great Awakening revival. His name was Jonathan Edwards, born Oct. 5, 1703. The Great Awakening revival can be traced back to earlier revivals in Scotland. Scottish minister William Tennent migrated to Pennsylvania in 1718 and together with his son Gilbert Tennent began the Log College in 1726. It was the first American Presbyterian theological seminary in North America, which led to the formation of [More]
Merv Knight read Richard Wurmbrand’s book, Tortured for Christ, and it changed the path of his entire life. Merv helped found VOM-Australia and worked side by side with Richard and Sabina Wurmbrand for decades. This week he gives us an inside look, with stories of what it was like to minister alongside Richard and Sabina but also what kind of people they were behind the scenes and the deep love for Christ that allowed them to endure persecution while still holding firmly to their faith. Merv will also share the stories of some of the persecuted Christians that have inspired [More]