Ben Carson: I Can’t Find a Doctor Who Likes Obamacare

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“I agree with Dr. Carson wholeheartedly, this socialist takeover of health care will be an unmitigated disaster in every way imaginable. You can thank the Democrats for ramming this through Congress never having even read the bill.  Sheer lunacy!”  Admin

Renowned neurosurgeon Dr. Ben Carson says he’s been having “great difficulty” finding doctors who have anything good to say about Obamacare.

He told Fox News Channel’s Stuart Varney that he’s spoken to hundreds of doctors throughout the country about the Affordable Care Act, and not one of them “liked” President Barack Obama’s signature healthcare law.

Asked if doctors are “in favor” of the huge changes in the health insurance system,

Carson that if they are “they’re hiding from me, because I travel all over the country and talk to a lot of groups — including lots of doctors — and I’m having a great difficulty finding anybody who likes this.

Read More  Ben Carson: I Can’t Find a Doctor Who Likes Obamacare.

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