Bayer/Monsanto’s Horrors – Part 3

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By Hesh Goldstein

We all
know that RoundUp is Bayer/Monsanto’s cash crop.

By now we
fortunately know is that ALL GMOs are designed to withstand enormous quantities
of RoundUp.

Why? So Bayer/Monsanto can spray the hell out
of all GMOs, killing all weeds and subsequently sickening and poisoning the
“tricks” (us) thereby greatly benefitting Big Pharma ( the Pimp) and the
medical profession (the Hookers).

getting into what I want to get into let me inform you of something. In Hawaii,
the Senate Agriculture Committee was going to put forth a bill requiring the
mandatory labeling of GMO foods.

I almost had a heart attack when I heard this,
yet wondered if the …read more



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