A Can Of Cherry Pie Filling Becomes A “Boomerang Blessing” – Guideposts

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“Give and it shall be given unto you … Luke 6:38”  Admin

Making ends meet on a new teacher’s salary isn’t easy–especially not when you’re the single mom of a two-year-old. Looking over my budget at the kitchen table, I could see things were about to get worse as Christmas approached.

Zackary’s day care usually provided his breakfast and lunch, but we’d both be eating at home during winter break. “Looks like we’re going to have to get very creative with our meals,” I told Zackary in his high chair beside me. He popped another Cheerio into his mouth.

I went to the cupboard to take stock before making a smart grocery list. Well, that was quick, I thought. Besides the absolute basics, one lone can of cherry pie filling gathered dust in the corner.

Read More  A Boomerang Blessing – Guideposts.