A theistic paleontologist with dubious theology and little-better science

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A review of Evolution and Belief: Confessions of a Religious Paleontologist by Robert J. Asher Cambridge University Press, New York, 2012

by John Woodmorappe

This evolutionary book differs from most others in that it goes deeper, presenting claims seldom found elsewhere. While unambiguously hostile to them, it generally avoids making straw men of creationists.

Asher professes belief in God. He repeats hoary antibiblical myths, such as the one about it teaching that stars hang from a solid firmament (p. 22).1 He derides certain Christian social teachings, and makes an implied equation of the Islamic terrorists of 911 with Christian fundamentalists (p. 130). Apart from being false and offensive, they are irrelevant to the theme of his work, and only detract from it.

Read more here: creation.com