18 Reasons Why Kombucha Is Known As “Immortal Health Elixir”

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By jeery park

Kombucha isn’t a new creation, though. It boasts a 2,000-year history as a renowned arthritis soother, cancer fighter, and immune booster—the ancient Chinese even called it “the Immortal Health Elixir.”
Health benefits of Kombucha tea are many ranging from facilitating detoxification, reducing arthritis pain, lowering cholesterol, restoring bowel movements, relief from gastric ulcers and various digestive troubles. Antioxidant-rich kombucha possess anti-microbial properties and assists in curing various medical conditions such as cancer and diabetes and contributes productively in maintaining cellular health and strong immune defense of the body.

18 Health Benefits of kombucha Elixir

1. Natural Detoxifier

Kombucha has probiotics and enzymes that promote …read more

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