Why did God name America Mystery Babylon? – Dumitru Duduman

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“To find out more about Bro. Duduman visit the ministry site, hand of help”.

“We see how this is now being fulfilled. Mr. O recently said the US is no longer a Christian nation but is now a Muslim nation, Hindu nation, Jewish nation, Buddhist nation etc.” Admin

Given in 1984

Why did God name America Mystery Babylon?

“Tell them, because all the nations of the world immigrated to America with their own gods and were not stopped. Encouraged by the freedom here, the wickedness began to increase.  Later on, even though America was established as a Christian nation, the American people began to follow the strange gods that the immigrants had brought in, and also turned their backs on the God who had built and prospered this country.”

Excepted from:
Dreams and Visions From God
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