The Worst Lies Mainstream Nutrition Has Told You –

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What if the ‘experts’ were wrong? Just the other day in a convenience store, I saw the following sign: This ‘registered dietitian’ can help you to choose the correct high-fructose filled, preservative-laden treat for you! Is it any surprise that a lot of ‘new’ science is showing that many of our commonly held beliefs about food are completely wrong. Common sense should be the big one in regards to if food is healthy or not. Did our ancestors eat it? Would our grandparents regard it as ‘food’? Has this item been on the face of the planet for 10,000 years or more?

When it comes to our food choices, I can safely say that many of us try to make the smartest decision to put healthy and nutritious foods on our plate. But when we are given so many choices, it’s hard to know exactly what we should be eating. And with clever marketing shoving so many ideas and notions and adverts down our throats, it can be enough to make us sick. Literally.

Read More  The Worst Lies Mainstream Nutrition Has Told You.