Homeward Bound: Unfaithfully Yours – Michael Boldea Jr.

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“Some food for thought. You can read more of his blog posts here: http://proofthebibleistrue.com/michael-boldea-jrs-30-latest-blog-posts-always-a-good-read”  Admin


Imagine if you were married to someone whose singular focus was on how far they could push the envelope and still be married to you. What would be crossing the line, they would ask incessantly. Can I hold someone else’s hand and still be okay with you? Can I kiss them on the cheek? What about on the lips? Is heavy petting still okay? What constitutes cheating, really?


Also imagine that this selfsame life mate, only told you they loved you when they needed something from you, then seemed to forget you even exist the rest of the time and spent more time with strangers and odd people than they did with you.


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