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When danger looms, the Pleuruptya caterpillar can transform itself into a wheel, and roll away
If your leg bones were made of metal—even the finest space-age alloys— ordinary walking would eventually cause them to fatigue and break. Why doesn’t this happen with bones?
  Third in a 3 part series. Creationist Jobe Martin argues that some organisms possess characteristics that are better explained by creation by design rather than by evolution. These organisms include the Bombardier Beetle, the Giraffe, the Woodpecker, the Australian Incubator Bird, The Chicken Egg, the Beaver, the Platypus, the Black & Yellow Garden Spider, the Gecko & Chuckwalla Lizard, and the Human Eye & Ear Drum.
  Second of a 3 part series. Creationist Jobe Martin argues that some organisms possess characteristics that are better explained by creation by design rather than by evolution. These organisms include the Bombardier Beetle, the Giraffe, the Woodpecker, the Australian Incubator Bird, The Chicken Egg, the Beaver, the Platypus, the Black & Yellow Garden Spider, the Gecko & Chuckwalla Lizard, and the Human Eye & Ear Drum.
First of a 3 part series. Creationist Jobe Martin argues that some organisms possess characteristics that are better explained by creation by design rather than by evolution. These organisms include the Bombardier Beetle, the Giraffe, the Woodpecker, the Australian Incubator Bird, The Chicken Egg, the Beaver, the Platypus, the Black & Yellow Garden Spider, the Gecko & Chuckwalla Lizard, and the Human Eye & Ear Drum.
? Enter an inspired world of design where nature is the teacher. A place where human designers sit in the Earth’s classroom to learn the mystery of creation. It’s a world of majesty and beauty. From the macro of planets to the micro of the tiniest cell, it’s an all inspired design that is perfectly efficient, wastes nothing, and holds the key to unlock a new frontier of discovery. Directed by Steve Greisen Featuring Andy Lee, Rossi Morreale, Paul Filidis
Feb 28, 2020 The new field of ancient DNA is changing everything we once thought about human history. No longer are we sitting in the dark, imagining all sorts of things about where people came from. Instead, we can now peek into their graves and know who was related to whom and where they lived in the past. Our understanding of the settling of Europe, Africa, and Asia have been turned upside down, but Neanderthals and the enigmatic Denisovans have also been brought into the family fold. Ancient DNA challenges the timescale of evolution (since DNA cannot last many thousands [More]
Oct 25, 2019 This PowerPoint presentation examines different groupings of favorite atheistic ideas for supporting biological macroevolution as a scientific fact. The first look is at the best evidences that evolutionists supported at the beginning of the speaker’s ministry in 2005; then a description of what the speaker now believes are most often promoted by evolutionists to the general public as the best evidences for evolution. The third examination is of what a recent nationwide survey determined that the youth of today believe are the “most convincing” evidences for evolution. Finally, the very most convincing evidence, according to the youth, [More]
Jul 24, 2020 “Better Living Through Chemistry!” We will discover that the information for prescribing life activities and the life force itself is not part of the atoms, molecules and chemical principles even though life rides on or runs on the chemistry of the cells. Evolution assumes that life is a product of the physical atoms and molecule, yet the un-directed process of chemical evolution violates known and verified chemical laws, principles and processes. We will show that the “goo-to-you-by-the-zoo” model is unscientific, especially in proverbial “primordial pond” or oceans. Without a sound foundation of the origin of life, the [More]
Dr. Jobe Martin’s seminar on creatures that defy evolution. Excellent information.
Dan Mikal discussing the extremely complex process of photosynthesis.
Multimedia Presentation by Dr. Thomas Kindell Cedar Park Christian School, Mountlake Terrace campus Cedar Park Church, Bothell WA March 8th, 2018 Biomimetics means biomimicry or copying design technology found in living organisms and using it to benefit our own needs. Scientists and engineers often praise the “genius” designs found in biology but often credit the alleged “wisdom” of evolution rather than give glory to our Creator – Jesus Christ. They have also found that many design concepts and inventions the were assumed to have been originated by man actually were thought of previously and were placed in biological organisms from [More]
Join Origins host, Ray Heiple as he welcomes, Dr. Georgia Purdom for, “Mutations: Evolution’s Disappointment.” A major mechanism for Darwinian evolution is mutation. Random chance mutations are necessary to generate the raw material necessary for molecules-to-man evolution. These mutations must be beneficial and lead to the formation of new traits so that one kind of organism over time can evolve into a completely different kind of organism. However, mutations have never been observed to do this!
Join Origins host Ray Heiple as he welcomes, Dr. Kevin Anderson for, “Immortal Proteins?” For several years now scientists have been baffled upon finding soft tissue in dinosaur bones. Fragments of several types of proteins have been extracted from these dinosaur fossils. Protein degradation studies contradict the claims by evolutionists that certain conditions could preserve proteins in a buried fossil for millions of years. Instead, they reveal direct evidence that these fossils are only a few thousand years old.
Join Origins host, Ray Heiple as he welcomes, Dr. Georgia Purdom for, “Natural Selection is not evolution.” The engine that drives Darwinian evolution is natural selection. Natural selection “selects” organisms that are best suited for an environment and over time this purportedly has led to the evolution of one kind of organism changing into a completely different kind of organism. However, real-world genetic data shows what natural selection really does to populations.
Apologetics Forum of Snohomish County Streamed live on Aug 25, 2017 After explaining the difference between micro- and macro- evolution and whether there’s any science for connecting them, the difference between Biblical “kinds” and species will be described. The basics of neo-Darwinian biology and it’s lack of verifiable evidence will be highlighted, causing thousands of scientists to abandon it. Information science will be highlighted as the biggest obstacle for the naturalistic scenarios, as the reality of millions of biological computers and computer programs in each cell (humans have 100 trillion) have been scientifically verified, with NO naturalistic explanation. Evolution can [More]
Apologetics Forum of Snohomish County Streamed live on Jan 26, 2018 This is the title of CMI’s groundbreaking new book and documentary. Unlike anything CMI has ever done before, we interviewed 15 PhD scientists and asked them to list the fatal flaws of evolution, according to their own areas of expertise. Instead of our traditional approach of defending the Bible, this time we put the evolutionists on the defensive and make them answer the most difficult questions we could think of. In this introductory talk, Dr. Carter will summarize the major issues for the evolutionist three critical areas: natural selection, [More]
Join Origins host Ray Heiple as he welcomes, Dr. Randy Guliuzza for, “Hands: Marvels of Creativity.” Evolutionists like to emphasize the similarities of human and animal anatomy. Our guest explains that the human hand is an amazingly creative tool. It’s very different from a paw or animal hand and it can outperform them in many ways. The amount of brain power it takes for the speed and control of our hands to perform everyday tasks and athletic skills is unmatched. Our hands express in many wonderful ways that we are truly made in His image.
Join Origins host Ray Heiple as he welcomes, Dr. Paul Nelson for, “Orphan Genes Puzzle.” Imagine having to assemble a dictionary of the English language – but every time you open a new book you find words that you’ve never seen before. Many of the words are unique, found only in that book, and nowhere else. Likewise in genetics, hundreds of thousands of new genes are being discovered by DNA sequencing, and their beginnings are a major puzzle.
You can watch part 1 here God’s Girders – Bones Skeleton Part 2 with Dr. David Menton
If you haven’t done so you can watch part 1 here. Multimedia presentation by Dr. Thomas Kindell during the Apologetics Symposium at Cedar Park Church, Bothell WA. March 7th, 2018. This presentation exposes the flaws and fallacies of common textbook “evidences” for Darwinian evolution based on origin of life experiments, mutations coupled with natural selection, irreducibly complex biological systems, “vestigial” organs, anatomical homology, molecular homology, embryological recapitulation, and the fossil record. The presentation closes by examining known frauds that are still employed in current textbooks to “prove” Darwinian evolution is true. This presentation is “Part 2” of a program that [More]
Join Origins host Donn Chapman as he welcomes geneticist and scientist, Dr. Robert Carter for, “Noah’s Flood Genetics.” What evidence do we have for Adam and Eve, Noah’s Flood and the Tower of Babel event in the human genome? The historical claims about human history in the Bible are quite clear. Yet, most evolutionists reject these claims based on a superficial study of available genetic data. Our guest will reveal not only can the claims can be tested but they can be confirmed.
Join Origins host, Ray Heiple as he welcomes, Dr. Georgia Purdom for, “Adam & Eve Genetics.” A big debate today is whether Adam and Eve were real people. Sadly, many Christian theologians and scientists believe that genetics has disproven the existence of an original couple specially created by God. However, looking at the many differences between human and chimp DNA and by comparing the mitochondrial DNA of people worldwide, observational science shows just the opposite. As our guest will reveal, the data supports, not denies, the existence of a literal Adam and Eve!
Join Origins host, Ray Heiple as he welcomes, Dr. Georgia Purdom for, “Design in DNA.” Genetics is astonishing evidence of a Designer, who created a marvelously complex, efficient “information system” for encoding life. The complexity of DNA is problematic for molecules-to-man evolution since the necessary changes are so implausible. The only reasonable explanation for all the information in DNA is that a Designer put the information in the original DNA sequences.
Multimedia Presentation by Chris Ashcraft Apologetics Symposium Cedar Park Church, Bothell WA September 13th, 2017 The microscopic world was a previously invisible and unknown realm of the creation. But through molecular studies and modern technologies, science has revealed that the living cell is operating at a level of technological sophistication far beyond anything devised by man. This presentation will highlight some of the most amazing things that God has made. This formerly unseen part of creation provides testimony of His glory and clear refutation of Darwinism. Within each and every organism reside bio-mechanical systems and molecular machines, which provide unmistakable [More]
Multimedia Presentation by Dr. Keith Swenson Apologetics Symposium Cedar Park Church, Bothell WA October 4th 2017 Noah’s Flood left the entire earth biologically devastated. Creationists believe that over the tens, hundreds and thousands of years following the Flood, living organisms recovered, eventually producing the ecosystems seen on the modern earth. But is such a belief reasonable? Is the biota really that resilient? And if so, by what ecological mechanisms could such remarkable transformation take place? Since there is no detailed information on biological changes which transpired following the Flood, creationists must look elsewhere for information. One source is the study [More]
Multimedia Presentation by Chris Ashcraft Apologetics Symposium Cedar Park Church, Bothell WA May 31, 2017 The origin of life remains the theory of evolution’s most significant obstacle. More than 150 years after Darwin published his theory, and following exhaustive efforts, evolutionists are no closer to solving the riddle of how life began. Despite countless attempts using every conceivable condition, biochemists have been unable to produce genetic information (DNA) and/or proteins in a simulated natural environment and thereby show how even the simplest cell could have formed without intelligent design. This presentation will examine the origin of life and illustrate that [More]