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from www.creation.com Seminar starts ~9:30. The book of Genesis is a history book, not a science book. However, the book makes some grand claims about the past that should become evident as we explore the world through science. As a sound source for the history of man, we should be able to detect the major events of Genesis through modern genetics. There are three main events that, if they occurred at all, must have left an indelible mark on our genetic makeup: Creation, the Flood, and the Tower of Babel. Each one of these can be clearly seen if one [More]
Dr John Sanford. In this lecture he discusses the four pillars of atheism: the big bang theory, spontaneous generation of life, spontaneous descent of life (evolution), spontaneous man (man from monkeys). He gives scientific evidence why they are wrong. Excellent video! Biography   http://creation.com/john-sanford Dr John Sanford, A Cornell University Professor for more than 25 years, John has been semi-retired since 1998. His Ph.D. was in plant breeding and plant genetics. While a professor at Cornell, John has trained graduate students and conducted genetic research at the New York State Agricultural Experiment Station in Geneva, NY. During this time, John [More]
http://edinburghcreationgroup.org | Dr Marc Surtees examines the facts surrounding the existence of life and investigates the claims of evolutionary scientists.
As a young college professor, Dr. J. had to walk a tight rope because of his objections to evolution theory, and was eventually fired because he didn’t agree that DNA had “junk”. This idea about “junk DNA” comes from a long history of misdirected thinking, a history of wildly rampant egos and arrogance that goes back to the 1920’s, when evolutionists falsely claimed that so-called vestigial organs (appendix, tonsils, tailbone) were proof of evolution. Having unknown functions, these organs were said to be useless “leftovers” from the days when we were fish and rats and worms, and had all these [More]
As a young college professor, Dr. J. had to walk a tight rope because of his objections to evolution theory, and was eventually fired because he didn’t agree that DNA had “junk”. This idea about “junk DNA” comes from a long history of misdirected thinking, a history of wildly rampant egos and arrogance that goes back to the 1920’s, when evolutionists falsely claimed that so-called vestigial organs (appendix, tonsils, tailbone) were proof of evolution. Having unknown functions, these organs were said to be useless “leftovers” from the days when we were fish and rats and worms, and had all these [More]
Seminar by Jerry Bergman Ph.D. Seattle Creation Conference, June 2013. Woodin Valley Baptist Church, Bothell WA. Description: Covers the fact that evolution is true but going the wrong way. The problem with evolution has never been the survival of the fittest, but the arrival of the fittest, and this is still the most serious problem today with Darwinism. The fact is, we are descending genetically as the scriptures teach, not ascending upward biologically, as evolution incorrectly teaches. A major theory of the source of phenotype variations for natural selection to select from is macro-mutations. The empirical evidence, however, is clear—neither [More]
Interview with Dr. Stephen C. Meyer discussing his book Signature In The Cell and how DNA clearly shows design.
“His talk starts at 1:50 but there is an audio problem that goes to 2:50 then it’s OK after that.”  Admin Apologetics Forum of Snohomish County Streamed live on Sep 28, 2018 Flight in Birds. We look at the aerodynamics of birds, and show the awe and wonder from the fascinating detail of flight in the natural world. The feathers of birds have to be positioned in exactly the right location on the wing from front to back and from close to the body to tip, but also edge on forming an aerofoil shape. The remarkable agility of both fast [More]
In this program Dr.  Nelson discusses evolutionists arguments that they could design creatures better than God and how this is untrue.
http://www.ctvn.org/the-programs/orig… | Dr. Menton explains the difference is the color of our skin is based by the amount of melanin we have. He also explains scientifically how all the races came from one man and one woman.
Part 2. Dr. Paul A. Nelson continues his discussion on natural selection and why it cannot produce the transformation of one creature to another.
Part 1. Could the process of  natural selection produce the transformation of a caterpillar to a butterfly? See why this is impossible as this topic is discussed on this program.
John Sanford, from Cornell University, is the inventor of the “gene gun” among other ways to get foreign genes into cells. His studies into genetics led him to conclude that natural selection was unable to purify the genome, let alone create new complex genetic designs. He also concluded that large, slowly breeding animals like humans and elephants could not last for millions of years without direct Divine intervention, and he is thus a short-age creationist. He wrote a book called Genetic Entropy and the Mystery of the Genome (2005) explaining his reasoning.
Throughout the 20th century, Darwin‘s picture of all organisms on Earth arising from a great Tree, with a single root, dominated biology. Within the past decade, however, a growing number of evolutionary biologists have announced that biology must “go beyond the doctrine of common descent” and that “the Tree of Life is dead.” What discoveries motivate these claims? What are the consequences for the origins debate? In his talk, Dr. Nelson will review the genomic data fracturing the Tree of Life at its base, and what this means for the future of biology. This video file is a 60 minute [More]
Genetic mutations are hailed by evolutionists as the mechanism that produces the new genetic information required by evolution theory. Science shows the opposite. (part 2 of 2)
On November 15th, 2012, Dr. Michael Behe gave a presentation at the University of Toronto to a stand only crowd. “How much of life does Darwin‘s theory explain? Most scientists believe it accounts for everything from the machinery of the cell to the history of life on earth. Darwin‘s proposed mechanism — random mutation and natural selection — has been accepted largely as a matter of faith and deduction or, at best, circumstantial evidence. Only now, thanks to genetics, does science allow us to seek direct evidence. The genomes of many organisms have been sequenced, and the machinery of the [More]
Mark Eastman delivers a striking presentation on the amazing properties of DNA and explains how chance could have had played no part in the creation of this information packed super molecule.
The random creation of even one living protein is so statistically improbable as to be realistically impossible. Dr. Stephen C. Meyer Dr Stephen C. Meyer is director of the Discovery Institute’s Center for Science and Culture and a founder both of the intelligent design movement. Dr. Meyer is a Cambridge University-trained philosopher of science, the author of peer-reviewed publications in technical, scientific, philosophical and other books and journals. His signal contribution to ID theory is given most fully in Signature in the Cell: DNA and the Evidence for Intelligent Design, published by HarperOne in June 2009. Meyer earned his Ph.D. [More]
creation.com Do you like shrimp for dinner? Well don’t mess with this pistol packing hombre! Despite being a diminutive 1–2 inches (3–5 cm) long, the pistol shrimp normally has one regular claw but also has an oversized claw which operates as an acoustic weapon capable of producing ‘gunshots’ reaching over 200 decibels (much louder than a jet engine!). The violent implosion of this cavitation bubble produces the sound, the pressure of which is strong enough to kill small fish. Unwary victims approaching within an inch or so (~4 cm) of this oceanic ‘bush-whacker’ may find themselves staring down the barrel [More]
The most complex engine in existence is the proton-driven ATP Motor. For a cell to even exist, this motor must be present and running from the very start. (Dr. Jonathan Sarfati)
Jonathan Sarfati from Creation Ministries International explains why our DNA similarity with apes points to a common designer and not evolution.
Several features of the genetic code could not have developed without, well, the genetic code! Information Density & Coding, Enzymes, Catalysts. (Dr. Jonathan Sarfati)
Jonathan Sarfati from Creation Ministries International explains why our DNA similarity with apes points to a common designer and not evolution. creation.com Related Articles What about the similarities between ape and human DNA? Does this support evolution?: creation.com Decoding the dogma of DNA similarity: creation.com Chimp genome sequence very different from man: creation.com Related Products: The Greatest Hoax on Earth? Refuting Dawkins on evolution – creation.com By Design book – creation.com Refuting Evolution book – creation.com Refuting Compromise Updated & Expanded book – creation.com
Are there animals whose existence defies Evolution? Find out with Dr. Jobe Martin on the show Christ in Prophecy.
Does DNA prove you were made by an intelligent designer? Find out with Dr. Jobe Martin on the show Christ in Prophecy.
This is copyright Answers in Genesis, www.answersingenesis.org Is God okay with abortion? This video goes through the birth process and how “irreducible complexity” makes it hard for evolutionist to continue in their belief and that if just one part of this was gone, then we’d have no second chance. The human race would be gone. Also, check out www.creationpress.yolasite.com
Eve: Real Evidence with Dr. Robert Carter Dr Robert W. Carter Speaker/senior scientist, Creation Ministries International (USA) Education 2003 University of Miami, Ph.D. Marine Biology and Fisheries. 1992 Georgia Institute of Technology, BS Applied Biology, Co-Op, with high honor. Professional Experience 2004–2005 Environmental Consultant (TY Lin International/HJ Ross) Water quality monitoring—Miami River dredging project Impact mitigation—Key West Harbor Dredging project 1996–2003 Doctoral Dissertation Work (University Of Miami) Designed and performed experiments in marine ecology and genetic engineering Helped develop new protocol for the rapid cloning of cnidarian fluorescent protein genes Successfully cloned green and red fluorescent proteins from hard and [More]