80% of the Packaged Food Items on Our Grocers Shelves Contain Ingredients Banned in Other Countries

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“Just more reasons to go organic”  Admin

According to the new book Rich Food, Poor Food, ingredients commonly found in up to 80 percent of all pre-packaged foods on grocers shelves in the U.S. have been banned in other countries. As alarming as such information is, our food safety outlook becomes even bleaker when we consider other banned and toxic food items.

The toxic banned ingredients in our food

In the book, authors Mira and Jason Calton provide a list of banned ingredients which they term “Banned Bad Boys” as well as the countries which have banned them. Among the items is Olestra – commonly used in low/no-fat snack foods and known to cause serious gastrointestinal issues – which has been banned in the United Kingdom and Canada.

Worse is brominated vegetable oil, a substance found in Mountain Dew and Fresca which has been banned in more than 100 countries. As the authors state, brominated vegetable oil “has been linked to basically every form of thyroid disease – from cancer to autoimmune diseases – known to man.”

Other dangerous items listed include food colorings – such as yellow #5 and yellow #6, dyes used to make mac & cheese dinners visually appealing. Those dyes are made from coal tar, an active ingredient in lice shampoo which has been linked to allergies, ADHD, and cancer in animals.

Other banned and toxic items in our foods

Read More  80% of the Packaged Food Items on Our Grocers Shelves Contain Ingredients Banned in Other Countries.

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