7 Lessons I’ve Learned About Getting and Keeping the Attention of Teenagers

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By Greg Stier , Christian Post Guest Columnist

March 2, 2013|12:08 pm

God has blessed me with the privilege of speaking to groups of teenagers for the last twenty five years or so. From small youth groups to medium sized camps to arenas full of students I have known the thrill and terror of trying to get and keep the attention of adrenalin-filled, twitchy teenagers.

Here are seven lessons I’ve learned when it comes to getting and keeping their attention:

1. Hook them with humor then impact them with truth.

During the first 5 to 10 minutes of my talk to a teen audience I’m usually telling a story about something I did that was really crazy/stupid/funny. I can’t tell a funny joke for the life of me but I can tell funny stories. So I tell the funniest story I can think of for that particular audience and, once they’re laughing hard, I flip the switch. I use a transition statement to turn the talk toward the spiritual point I’ll be preaching on in that particular message.
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via 7 Lessons I’ve Learned About Getting and Keeping the Attention of Teenagers.

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