In the landscape of male cancers, prostate cancer looms large, ranking as the second most common cancer after skin malignancies among American men. The American Cancer Society’s projections for 2023 paint a stark picture, with approximately 288,300 new cases of prostate cancer and about 34,700 deaths attributed to the disease.
While the incidence of prostate cancer saw a significant decline between 2007 and 2014, reflecting changes in screening recommendations, a recent shift has emerged. Since 2014, the overall incidence rate has risen by 3% per year, with an even more notable 5% annual increase in advanced-stage prostate cancer cases. This nuanced scenario sets the stage for exploring proactive strategies, with recent studies spotlighting zinc as a potential guardian against this prevalent disease.
Read More: Zinc: Prostate Guardian And Tumor Suppressor | NaturalHealth365
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