Many videos dealing with various aspects of YEC including the Flood, genetics, biology, debunking critics and more.
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Aron Ra Flood Series Debunked - Spoiler Preview. Extended version coming soon!
The Dinosaur Debate Is Over! Dinosaurs Lived with man & lived recently! Tons of Evidence!
Best Movie for a non-christian to watch - Convert Anyone to a Believer!
Our Creation Model of Diversity Built In By God "Created Heterozygosity"
Possible Evidence For How the Global Flood of Noah Started -
There Were Giants on the Earth in those days!
Did Man Lived to 900??
The Best movie explaining Noah's Flood Ever made !
Global Flood Evidence shown to Joe Rogan, Original was over 3 hrs (I took Highlights)!
Best Video to Prove Evolution Never Happened
Out of Africa theory Falsified with genetics and Validating YEC! Two Birds one stone!
Systematic Classification of Life series Falsified - Debunking Aron Ra
Proving Adam and Eve lived and recently !
Best Evidence Scripture is true! What are the Odds Game! (P-Value) Statistical probability
How DNA differences prove Mankind is young
My psychiatric interview with Evolution
More Evolutionary Lies sold as fact!
Answering the Phylogeny Challenge
Name something God Created...
The next stage in genetics ! Nurture over Nature, you are what you Eat and Think!
Biblical Longevity!
Why Belief determines behavior!
Ica Stones of Peru
More evidence that Dinosaur lived with man
Did man live to 900 DEBATE! My Debate vs Nick
Proving God Created Humanity Recently!
God Taught Adam Language
Irrefutable Proof of Intelligent Design
What is a "Kind" with Dr Matthew McLain Vertebrate Paleontology explaining Biblical Kinds.
Junk DNA, It was never junk like scientists said!
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