Wow! Pfizer does NOT deny anything in the Project Veritas video! Steve Kirsch

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“Explosive undercover video by PV exposing Pfizer. The video is available to watch in the article.” Admin


Also, YouTube removes the Project Veritas video. Every expert I’ve talked to said, “you can’t make up a story like that” when viewing the PV video. Plus, the part you didn’t see…


Executive summary

Project Veritas releases explosive video that gets over 20M views, YouTube blocks it, Pfizer issues press release two days later which doesn’t deny anything in the video, and three experts validate authenticity of what was described in the video.


Worldwide press blackout. All the articles in newspapers (such as the Daily Mail) were taken down minutes after being posted! If you had any doubts about the news media objectively reporting the news, this action should erase all doubts.




Also, update on the status of the FAA/pilot story at the end!


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