Wonderful Water – Apologetics Press

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What is the most valuable substance in the world? You might be thinking of gold or silver. Maybe you thought about platinum. Diamonds and precious gems are very valuable as well. But all those materials are not as valuable as water. You might be thinking, how can that be right?


Water is one of the least expensive materials on planet Earth and one of the easiest to get. In fact, about 70% of the entire globe is covered in water. The human body is composed of about 65% water. How can water be so valuable if there is so much of it?


Water is so valuable because without water life could not exist. Humans, plants, and animals can live without gold. We can live without platinum, diamonds, or gems. But we can’t live without water.


In the beginning of Creation, the Bible explains that water was one of the first substances God created (read Genesis 1:2). In this issue of Discovery we will explore the wonderful ways water works.


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