Woman Receives Comfort From A Divine Dream | Guideposts

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New Year’s Eve, 1984. My husband, our two little boys and I were visiting my in-laws in Amarillo, Texas. We watched the ball drop and welcomed the new year together. Our original plan had been to stay over, but I wasn’t feeling up to it. We decided to drive the few hours back to our home in Clovis, New Mexico. It had been a long night. A long year, really.


Grandma Marjorie, whom I was really close to, had recently been hospitalized with pneumonia. She’d been in and out of the hospital all year with breathing issues. Watching her health decline over the past few years had hit me hard, and I just needed some time to myself to process.


I settled into the passenger seat. My mind drifted to memories of Grandma Marjorie and her husband, Grandpa Joe.


Read More: Her Beloved Grandmother Chose the Perfect Way to Say Goodbye | Guideposts