Why You Should Pray for ‘God Winks’ | Guideposts

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Recently I downloaded an app that allowed me to listen to a devotional radio program I hadn’t heard since I was a teenager. I was thrilled to once again hear the familiar voice and head to sleep with beautiful thoughts and music filling my mind and heart.

The first program I listened to ended with the story of a father and child who had lost their wife and mother, and were grieving together but drawing closer to God in the darkness. It hit home, as my mother died when I was a boy. The story was followed by a musical arrangement of a song titled “Overshadowed.” That song was my mother’s favorite. She was a gifted pianist, and I remember her playing it, though I hadn’t heard it for decades.

What are the chances that I would remember that radio program, search for and find an app for it, download it and listen to the scheduled episode for the particular date that would have such heart-filling content for me? It was as if God tiptoed into my bedroom to plant a goodnight kiss on my forehead.


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