Why Do Companies Still Put a Banned Chemical in Your Toothpaste?

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By Anna Scanlon

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently banned the use of the antibacterial agent triclosan in soaps. Yet it remains in one of the most popular toothpastes: Colgate Total.

So if it is banned for our skin, why does it remain in toothpaste? Largely because the Colgate Company has demonstrated that toothpastes with this chemical are more effective against gingivitis and plaque.

Susan Maples, a dentist and author, told Yahoo! Beauty in an interview the reason why she was concerned about triclosan-based toothpastes:

“We notice that we’re lowering our immunity and creating superbugs — bugs that are resistant to [these chemicals] — …read more

Read more here: naturalsociety.com


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