When the Devil Accuses God

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Satan is sometimes called the accuser of the brethren (Rev. 12:10), but I’ve discovered he’s also an accuser of almighty God.

Satan will do anything he can to drive a wedge between you and your loving Creator. He points a finger at God when tragedy—or even just circumstances you don’t like—strikes. He suggests God doesn’t care about your problems. He blames God for not healing your sick loved one.

All of these accusations come as subtle suggestions—whispers to your soul that intend to make you bitter toward God because you feel disappointed, disillusioned or deceived. Nothing is ever God’s fault, but the devil can surely introduce doubt, ask a well-timed question or arrange circumstantial evidence to set God up.

Don’t fall for it. Satan is trying to get you to turn your back on the One who can help you through the disappointment, disillusionment and deception. And if you are holding a grudge against God, He is ready to deliver you from the gall of bitterness. He’s not mad at you, even though you’ve been mad at Him. Let’s take a look at some examples in Scripture of how the devil accuses God.

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