When Scientists Ignore Science – Mark Champneys

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Streamed live on Dec 8, 2017

The Law of Increasing Entropy is one of the foundational scientific laws of the universe. Its principle profoundly affects all existence, but particularly living systems. Entropy is a concept that concerns the spontaneous arrangement of things–that is, the arrangement of anything. Atoms, photons, playing cards, marbles, informational data bits… nucleotides… anything in large numbers. The law says that when an arrangement is spontaneously random, “mixedupness” (disorder) must always increase. Indeed, the fact of increasing entropy attests to the arrow of time for any phenomenon. Everything gets more randomized over time, because more random is more probable than less random (in the absence of intelligent activity). What does this law have to do with evolution? Everything! It means that a scientific law has already falsified a theory that is wishfully hoping that random mutations can mysteriously conjure up fantastically improbable biological arrangements. Neo-Darwinism flies in the face of established science.
So how do evolutionist scientists defend against this hard science? Incredibly, they opt to simply dismiss it. They offer a pat talking point excuse, and then move on without explanation–prioritizing theory above law. But hold on! We’re going to go through the argument in detail to dismantle such excuses. Mark Champneys, non-scientist producer of Evolution Demolition and Moment of Truth videos, will give you a conceptual understanding of the Law of Increasing Entropy that lay people can follow. We’ll talk about the history of the thermodynamic and mathematical discoveries that confirmed Increasing Entropy (ironically in Darwin’s day). We’ll explain the application of the Law to daily life, and to living systems in particular, and we’ll survey the arguments on both sides so that you will be prepared to have a discussion with an evolutionist about entropy. Entropy is powerful!
Mark Champneys, was born a 5th generation Mormon, the son of an LDS bishop. Now a believer, he is lay Evangelism Director with Saints Alive in Tacoma, is the King County Fair Ministry Coordinator for Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF), and he produced and directed the film “Evolution Demolition.” Mark has had the blessing of training dozens for evangelism, and by God’s grace, of leading hundreds to Jesus.
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