When God Shows Up Unexpectedly – Guideposts

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I love it when God shows up at unexpected times. I had one of those God-moments recently on a trip my husband and I made to visit our son, daughter-in-law, and grandson.


They live on the Gulf Coast of Florida, so visits to them mean lazy days at the beach, enjoying God’s handiwork in the form of powder white sand and turquoise and green water that’s so clear you can see to the bottom. It looks like a postcard as colorful sailboats drift past.


On some of our trips we take a boat and head over to Shell Island, delighting in the pristine beach. I always feel like a member of the Swiss Family Robinson. One of my favorite parts is the snow-cone boat that bobs out in the water at Shell Island. You can wade out about knee-deep and choose from a variety of flavors. Let’s just say that a strawberry snow-cone on a warm day is downright heavenly!


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