What’s the safe remedy for digestive problems?

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By Hesh Goldstein

Everywhere you look, everywhere you read, there are
countless advertisements for internal health improvements.

To fix your bloating or your irritable bowel syndrome or
your constipation, or your heartburn or your acid reflux or the countless other
problems with you gut and your digestive system, take Mylanta or Maalox or
Reglan, or Nexium, or Omeprazole, or tons of other names you can’t really

And don’t worry if
those “cure-alls” create rashes or hives or itching or difficulty breathing, or
loss of appetite or muscle weakness or swelling of the mouth, lips, face and
tongue or nausea or diarrhea or vomiting or slow reflexes or dizziness or
confusion or …read more

Source: blogs.naturalnews.com


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