What are the risks of getting the Covid-19 injection? – Daily Expose

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“Just came across this site based in the UK that is doing great work in exposing the truth about Covid19 and the vaccines which is pertinent to both the UK and US. Lots of great interviews and analysis as to what is really going on.” Admin


The original inventor of the mRNA vaccine (and DNAvaccine) core platform technology currently used to create the vaccines is Dr Robert W Malone .


Dr Malone has been expressing serious concerns about how therapeutic approaches that are still in the research phase are being imposed on an ill-informed public.


He says that public health leadership has, “stepped over the line and is now violating the bedrock principles which form the foundation upon which the ethics of clinical research are built”.


Dr Malone asks why health leaders seem to be so afraid of sharing the adverse event data. He says, “Why is it necessary to suppress discussion and full disclosure of information concerning mRNA reactogenicity and safety risks?”


He goes onto say that we should be analysing the safety data and risks vigorously. Again he asks, “Is there information or patterns that can be found, such as the recent finding of the cardiomyopathy signals, or the latent virus reactivation signals?  We should be enlisting the best biostatistics and machine learning experts to examine these data, and the results should- no must- be made available to the public promptly”.


For any drug it has always been important to have systems in place for monitoring adverse events. However, for an experimental, genetic modifying approach that has not been fully tested, and where the public are effectively the guinea pigs, this information should be immediately and readily available.


As previously reported in Total Health, the fact that it is so difficult to access and make sense of the US VAERS, and UK Yellow Card reporting systems – along with low reporting simply raises further concern about what is actually happening


Read More: Fact Check – What are the risks of getting the Covid-19 injection? – Daily Expose

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