Weekly Health Quiz: Vaccines, Vitamins and Bones

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By Dr. Mercola

1 Which former CDC director was hired to oversee Merck’s vaccine division and has made millions of dollars after leaving the CDC?

  • Julie Gerberding

    A perfect example of the “revolving door” between government and industry is former CDC director Julie Gerberding, who left the agency in 2009 where she had overseen vaccine decisions to head Merck’s vaccines division. In 2015, she sold 38,368 shares of her Merck stock valued at $2 million. Learn more.

  • Tom Frieden
  • Jeffrey Koplan
  • Thomas Insel

2 The safety of popular drugs is misunderstood because of:

  • Lack of funding of government agencies
  • The public’s inability to understand science
  • Other news stories supplant health …read more

    Source: mercola


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