Weekly Health Quiz: Red Tide, Dehydration and Bitter Herbs

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By Dr. Mercola

1 Bitter herbs and foods can help optimize health as a result of their ability to:

  • Reduce risk of diarrhea
  • Prevent fever
  • Improve blood flow and trigger release of nitric oxide
  • Improve digestion, gastrointestinal health and nutrient absorption

    Bitter herbs, spices and foods offer valuable benefits and can go a long way toward improving your overall health by improving digestion, gastrointestinal health and absorption of nutrients. Learn more.

2 Toxic algae blooms such as red tide, which have decimated wildlife in southern Florida, are primarily caused by:

  • Runoff from agricultural fields where synthetic fertilizer or sewage sludge has been applied

    Synthetic fertilizers, manure, glyphosate and sewage …read more

    Source: mercola


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